Lost sanity

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Have you ever felt
Being lost?
Lost in darkness,
Sometimes in paradise.

Lying down on thorns
Sometimes bed of roses.
Sipping an alcohol
Or a sweet milk shake.

There are  times anger can't handle,
still showing a smile
When pain was too much to bear,
still showing a laugh

They thought your fine
But your rotten inside
They thought your strong
But the truth is, your weak

They didn't know the nights
You shed a thousand of tears,
Screaming out of your lungs
Bended knees, hands grasp on your hair

No one knows your sentiment,
Your feelings,
Your thoughts,
No one knows who you really are

Wanted to give up
This fu** up life.
Wanted to uncage your emotions
And leave everything behind

You've lost it.
Your human feeling
Your sanity
Your spirit.

You've lost it
But no one notice
No one knows
And no one cares.

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