poem #220

42 3 0

Why do we feel the need to hide our trauma In pretty words ?
Like writing in cursive will hide the print on our skin
What made us think to cover our pain in fancy languages
as if that will change the fact that our story was written in blood and not ink
Why should I have to fake a smile outside , and on paper too?
People with depression are not broken angels who got their wings clipped
We are struggling to stay alive each day
People with anxiety aren't adorable for being frightened
We can't leave our house anymore
People with Insomnia aren't creative night thinkers
We carry our worries under our eyes
People with PTSD aren't fascinating for jumping when you raise your voice
We are scared to be the next victim
People with OCD don't have lovely flowers growing in their brain
If we don't turn the doorknob three times , our house burns down
A mental hospital isn't a zoo of extraordinary people
We go there because they don't know what to do with us
Mental illness isn't beautiful
And we shouldn't be afraid of showing that anymore
OMG I literally have not written in months , I like maybe a year😳 I've been going through so f*cking much guys I'm so sorry , I hope this is good :) I'm into cosplaying now too!! And I've been painting, and we got our rooms re done. Everything's just so hectic, and my depression is getting so much worse but I'm trying to push through , thankyou all
-your very own broken girl 🤍

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