1 - Lets Meet A Lion Tamer

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I'll continue to try and balance like a circus act. And I will just fight to tell the truth. Even if it's difficult. ~Katy Perry


Luke instructed. "Got it?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Good," Luke smiled. "Welcome to the circus Ashton."

Ashton's POV

"Hello!" Someone immediately yelled when I walked into the tent. He had read hair and he walked over to me. "You must be my new roustabout, Ashton, yeah?"

"Um..Yeah." I smile and nodded.

"My name is Michael." He smiled and shook my hand.

"Well here's your delivery," Luke said and bowed. "I gotta go though, gotta practice!"

"Have fun. Don't drop CiCi." Michael called to Luke.

"I won't!" Luke yelled as he ran off, while I stood quite confused.

"Luke's an acrobat." Michael said. "CiCi, rather Cirri, is Luke's partner. They do all sorts of stunts. You can go watch in the big top when I'm done here."

"Oh, well okay." I smiled as I followed Michael.

"So your job is simple," Michael said. "You just take care of the animals. Y'know, make sure there's food and water in their cages, every now and then replace hay and clean up the feces."

"Do they..Have names?" I asked.

"Yes, all of their names are on their cage. I can also recognize them all just by looking at them." Michael said proudly.

"Oh, I see." I nodded slowly.

"Yep, so I want to show you out new little baby." Michael squealed. "Her names Silver and she's a baby panther. Oh she's such a sweetheart." Michael paused. "Now, never freak out around these animals okay? Remain calm at all times. You freak out, they get scared."

"Got it." I said and followed Michael to a cage, which he opened and like he said, a young panther came out. Immediately looking at me.

"They'll take time to adjust to you so never force yourself on them. You'll have to spend a lot of time with them and never get to close to the cages. They don't know you and therefore the more aggressive animals will freak out. You should be good with the elphants, giraffes and zebras." Michael said. "Why don't you crouch so you're not so big on Silver?"

"Okay." I said and crouched.

"And hold your hand out to her, so se can get a sense that you're not here to hurt her. Slowly though." Michael said. I did just that and the cat looked at my hand, sniffing it, licking it before finally nuzzling it.

"You can pet her." Michael said. "She likes it."

So I ran my hand over her body as she purred in delight.

"Why don't you talk to her a little? I've gotta go attend to Jewel really quick. She's a feisty little tiger today." Michael laughed lightly as he walked away.

"Hi Silver," I smiled. "My name is Ashton. And why, I'm guessing you're pretty new too. Just like me." I slowly sat down all the way as Silver climbed up onto my lap. "You're such a good girl, aren't you? Honestly I was a little nervous when Michael told me to come see a panther." I laughed lightly as I continued to pet the panther until she fell asleep on my lap.

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