"That's such bullshit Charlee, you've never liked parties, and now you're trying to back out."

"Really tay, even call and ask my mom, I wouldn't lie to you about this... I really am sorry, we can do something next week before I leave."

"You know what? Don't bother."

"Tay-"and I was cut off by the dial tone, well that went well. I was too tired to worry about that right now, I closed my eyes and drifted off once again into an uneasy sleep of blood stained walls and cold stone rooms.

The next week passed in a blur of pain, I was sick throughout the weekend and Monday and Tuesday weren't much better. Today I was pretty sure my fever had broken, and was finally confident enough to eat, my mother was fussing about how I should contact the school and tell them I would be arriving a few days late, we were supposed to be leaving tomorrow to make it by Friday. I told her that there was absolutely no way I would be late to my first week at college, mandatory or not. She huffed and puffed about it, but eventually she caved in and we were at the point now where every time she saw me she got tears in her eyes and muttered something about me "growing up way too fast."

I was in my room packing up the last of my things, when my eyes glanced over to my acceptance letter from Blackbird.

Dear Miss Jones,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the prestigious Blackbird Academy followed by a full academic scholarship, room and board, and meal ticket. Please be aware that we open campus the first week of June to all students, we here at Blackbird realize what a difficult time this must be for you and your families, and we are here to make this process as easy as possible. While this is not mandatory, it is highly encouraged, especially for those of our freshmen class, we will be offering workshops and tours as well as one on one meetings with our professors so you have the opportunity to discuss and decide which areas of study will best suit your needs. Included is information on your scholarship, codes of conduct, and instructions to the school.  Please don't hesitant to contact our head administrator Mrs. Hendersen for any and all questions. 504-(555-0987)

We look forward to meeting you

Headmistress of Blackbird academy

Mrs. Lafouex

The rest of the night was bittersweet, I tried calling Tay but no answer, I figured she would take a few weeks to cool off and when I came home for a visit, we could go on as if nothing happened. I finished packing, and once everything was all packed up into the moving truck, it hit me that tonight would be the last night I spent in the house I grew up in. Regardless of everything that my mom went through, she still loved me every day, and did the job of two parents. I would never be able to repay her for all she's done. I headed inside to spend the last night with the only parent I would ever need.

Morning came fast, and we were running around trying to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, and before I knew it, we were in the moving truck with the only home I'd ever know fading fast into the review mirror and Blackbird academy 15 hours ahead. Mom and I fell into an easy silence, I think she knew I was nervous and didn't want to add too my anxiety. Somewhere in Alabama mom finally had enough of the quiet.

"Charlee, I know we haven't talked much about your father after you found out the truth... I just want to make sure you're okay."

I sighed, "Mom, do we really have to do this?"

"Yes, Charlee, we really do, once I drop you off you'll be so busy with classes and meeting new people that you won't have time to deal or heal, I want to make sure you are okay."

"I don't know mom, it's not really the story I was expecting, but I am glad I know the truth." I kept my eyes forward, afraid that if I looked at her she would see the untold truth in my eyes, that my father not wanting me was eating me up inside.


"Mom, please, can we not? Even if it's not okay now, it will be."

"Fine, but when you're ready to talk, I will be here."

I must have drifted off to sleep, I woke up to my mother shaking me awake

"Hey baby, we are here."

I looked out the window, my jaw dropped, Blackbird Academy wasn't at all what I expected, it looked like it was plucked off a hillside in England and was transplanted here. It wasn't a college, it was one huge castle surrounded with a bunch of little castles, and the only thing that was missing was a mote and a draw bridge.

"Yeesh, this is impressive, intimidating, maybe a little scary, but impressive." Mom let out a sigh

"I'm speechless."

"That's a first, come on, let's go get you checked in."

I looked at the clock on the dashboard, it was a little after 630 pm.

We headed up towards the main "castle" it was hot and humid, and I was already sweating by the time we reached the doors. I paused as a chill ran up my spine, I could have sworn I felt someone behind me, "Charlee...no..." I spun around expecting to see someone.

"You okay?" Moms' eyebrows were kinked together- she looked worried


"Are you okay? You're white as a ghost."

"I...I'm fine, I must be dehydrated or something. I could have sworn I heard someone say my name."

Her frown deepened, "are you sure you're okay? You were just sick, we can check into a hotel tonight and start fresh tomorrow?"

"No really... I'm okay, let's do this." I grabbed her hand as we passed the threshold of the place I would call home for the next four years, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something didn't want me here.

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