of truth and dynami

Start from the beginning

He messed up his already messy hair. "You should've woken me up earlier." he said, his tone still a cold one. When I didn't answer, he turned away and grabbed his jacket that he must've put on the chair beside my bed.

"Well, it seems like you're fine now. I'll come back tomorrow." he said again and put his jacket on.

Seeing him walk away, my chest tightened and felt the pins and needles again.

"I-I'm sorry for what I did to your mom... I just--" I was going to explain what happened, how shocked I was and everything else, but then he stopped me by turning to me, his eyes were icy and stern and that stopped me.

"You may be my mate, but I can't tolerate you hurting people dear to me." was all that Chase said before he walked through the door, leaving me alone in this rather cold and empty room.

After Chase left last night, I barely slept. It bothered me that Chase was upset at me and to be honest, it was completely understandable. I was reckless and almost hurt his mom.

When morning came and Kasen visited in my care room, I could see that he was also hostile towards me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I told Kasen.

Although he still had the same serious look as his brother, he sighed and shook his head slightly.

"I understand you Maddie, but you can't solve everything by fighting." he said. I nodded.

"Is it possible to talk to your mom? I want to apologize to her." I said, rather dejected. I'm not sure he would agree with me due to the hurt I almost caused his mom.

He thought for a while and smiled at me and that made me feel relieved.

"Sure thing. She is actually on her way, she is still worried about you. Just wait for her here." Kasen said.


She was worried about me? Why?

I kept the question inside me and I nodded at Kasen. After that, he left saying that he still had things to do.

As I was waiting for Lucy, I wondered how Chase was doing. I wondered what time he was going to come and if he was still going to look at me with the same hateful look or not. Would he finally let me go? Would he finally give up on us being mates?

So many questions entered my head and I had no answers for them. I was startled by the knock on the door.

Lucy came in wearing a sunshine smile. She was carrying a basket and smelling the food inside, my stomach rumbled. I remembered that I hadn't eaten yet.

"Shall we go for a picnic? The weather's great outside." she said with a chirpy tone.

Isn't she angry? Doesn't she want to take revenge?

I almost killed her.

Is this a trap?

Despite the thoughts in my head, I found myself nodding and following her outside. We started walking further away from the pack clinic and she had been telling me of the food that she made for me.

We arrived at place near a lake and when we found a spot, she gave me a blanket and instructed me to spread it over the ground.

It was weird to me, but I followed. After I finished, she opened the basket and starting lay the food on the blanket.

I stared at her as she did this, the smile never left her face.

When she was done, she smiled at me and told me to sit. Although the dynamics were still weird for me, I slowly took place on the blanket, my back facing the body of water.

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