"I fucking knew it." The utter rage in my dad's eyes scares me a bit since I've never seen him this furious before. Aidan and Della spend the next few minutes instructing Carl how to send us the emails, and it doesn't take long until all of our phones go off alerting us we received them.

"Thank you. Tell Jasper I will call him back as soon as we are done." I don't have it in me to start lecturing anyone when this whole situation just got significantly worse. The whole system that has been built up for hundreds of years will most likely be non existent by the end of the day.

"Oh my god." Della scrolls through her phone with a disturbed look. Ending my call will Carl I immediately open up the emails with a pounding heart. The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop, and I'm wore everyone else is able to hear just how loud my pulse is thumping in neck.

Scanning through the emails I see that more than a handful of council members were making sure that the attacks weren't going to come back to bite them in the ass. Ivan seems to reassure them all that it is going to fine and that we will be to broken to continue on.

"He wanted you gone." I nearly burst into tears as the words leave my mouth. Ivan was planning on taking Quentin out thinking we wouldn't have been able to recover without him. Quentin takes my face in his hands swiping away the tears that trickle down my cheeks.

"I'm right here." He leans down pressing a delicate kiss to my forehead before pulling me into his side. I clutch his shirt in my fists letting myself take a few moments to let out all of the pent up emotions. I don't care that almost my entire family is watching me because it's better than letting the council see how much they effected me.  "I'm not going anywhere." He strokes my hair while putting his phone up to his ear. "Hey Oli, arrange for a pack meeting later tonight." His stiff tone doesn't give away anything. "Yeah I know." It's silent for a while. "Okay, bye." He hang up turning his full attention back to me.

"We need to fight back." I sit up still pressed into Quentin's side, his arm slung around my shoulders. "They can't get away with this." My tears stop falling and I look up my sore eyes connecting with Della's. "All those people." They lost their lives at the hands of the group of people they trusted to protect them.

"Don't worry they are going to pay." Fletcher stands up heading into the other room. Della follows him pulling her phone out, but is too far to hear who she's calling. We don't have long to make a plan before they call us back, and to be frank I don't know if I can stand there and act as if I'm not staring down murders.

"We have the upper hand because they don't know we know." Aidan starts sitting down on the other couch. "When they restart the meeting they will want to address the treasonous talk charges, and we are going to let them because if don't approach this right it could backfire." Ryder nods in agreement, but I'm not so sure. It's not their mate that they have to sit and hear be torn apart over falsehoods.

"I can't be the one to bring up the proof." Quentin shakes his head knowing it's too risky. What we are about to do is uncharted waters for us, for anyone in fact. The council has been in charge for so long with no issues, so it makes me wonder why now they decided to turn their backs to those they took an oath to protect.

"Tessa has to do it." Aidan's assertive gaze has me shifting in my seat. I cant do this. None one would believe me since I only just took the Luna position. Adding to the fact I won't tell them where I really got the information will only hurt my case. Turning to Ryder I plead him with my eyes to back me up but he sends me a look silently telling me he agrees with Aidan.

"They won't listen to me." I saw the way they blew me off as a child who was simply an Alphas daughter who got lucky with a high ranked mate. I wouldn't normally care what they thought about me but so much rides on what happens next, and if I messed up and it cost people their lives I would never forgive myself.

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