Reporting A 'Thief'

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"Ugh, I hate Tuesdays!" Silver groans, leaning his elbow against the pink table. Repeating to tap his foot, impatiently. "Why do you?" Blaze questions, preparing her cooking equipment. She was planning to make some pancakes for the both of them. Even though it was lunchtime; Blaze wants to try something new. "I'll have stupid Thompson for Biology." Blaze tuts from hearing the teachers name. "God I feel sorry for you." Blaze puts on her apron, finding it difficult to tie a bow behind her. Silver notices her struggling, he stands up and goes behind her. "Here I'll do it." Blaze lets go of the strings for Silver to grab them. He ties a tight bow around her waist, "Thanks Silver." Blaze smiles, making Silver blush. He had a crush on his friend for a very long time. Just that he never has the courage to tell her. Blaze begins to take out the flour, salt, sugar and baking powder. Sliver leans onto the opposite counter, watching her cook. He glances down to her hands, then notices her ring. The ring he gave to her on her 14th birthday. Quickly, he grabs her wrist. Stopping her from touching the baking powder, "Wait! You forgot to take your ring off." Silver instructs.

Blaze looks down and gasps in surprise. "Oh yeah!" She awkwardly giggles, feeling silly that she forgot about it. Blaze takes it off and places it to the side. Away from the cooking equipment. Then she continues her cooking, Silver joining to help from time to time. Just as she was adding oil to the pan, there was a sudden crash coming from the hallway. Surprising both of them. They share a glance of confusion before running out of the room. Down the hall was a small crowd of students, cheering whilst some pumped their fists in the air. They run to the crowd and manage to pass through them; now viewing Scourge and Sonic preparing to fight. "I haven't done shit to your friend!" Scourge shouts, throwing a punch for Sonic to quickly dodge. By moving under Scourge's arms to go behind him. To kick the green hedgehog in the back. Causing him to fall toward some students, who push the hedgehog back onto his feet. "Bullshit Scourge! Everyone knows you steal and fuck up people's stuff!" Sonic tries to kick Scourge again. However Scourge grabs Sonic's foot and pushes him back. As Sonic stumbles, Scourge runs toward him and punches him in the face. Silver and Blaze watch in confusion, as a male teacher pushes pass the students. Going in between them to stop the fighting; by grabbing both of their shirts.

"Calm down!! Everyone leave the hallway now!!" The teacher commands, pulling the two hedgehogs into the teachers lounge. The students do as their told, heading back outside. Silver and Blaze begin to walk back down the hallway. "What do you think that was about?" Blaze asks, pointing behind her with her thumb. They never seen that many fights at school. They only occur when a delinquent starts it. Silver shrugs his shoulders, "No idea. Maybe Scourge messed with one of Sonic's friends again." He suggests. They enter the cooking clubs room and Blaze continues her work. After some time, Blaze looks over to her ring...but it was gone? "W-what.. the-" She scans the counter, wondering if she misplaced it. Silver tilts his head, "What's wrong?" "M-my ring! It's gone!" She worries, kneeling down to see if it fell. Silver kneels next to her, resting his hands onto her shoulders. Hoping he could calm her down, "Hang on Blaze, I'll help you find the ring-" "But what if we don't find it! Gosh I feel like an idiot." Blaze face palms; she loves that ring. It was a perfect gift to her. "No, there's no need to feel like that. Look if we can't find it here we'll just report this to the school counselor. I'm sure she can help us." Silver assures for Blaze to weakly smile. Feeling a little less worried thanks to her friend. "T-thanks." The two begin to search all around the room: under the table, every corner, behind the counters... but they couldn't find it.

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