Hiding The Badger

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The pink hedgehog sighs from exhaustion. It took hours to get the body into the storage room, along with cleaning any blood that trialed her way inside. Amy drags the body into a dark corner of the room. Then grabbing a long black cover nearby. Nobody ever goes into this storage room nor pass it. Since it was down the very end of the row of storage rooms. So no one could disturb her. Once she covers the rotting corpse, looking around the dim lit room... she begins to remember when she was younger. Her father took her here, around 6 or 7 years old, showing this is a place to hide certain items.

"This is what daddy wants to show you" He opens the storage door, revealing a dark room. The little girl tilts her head. Pondering why he would bring her here. "Daddy... it's just a dark room?" He takes a hold of her tiny hand. Leading his daughter inside. "Not only that sweetie~"  Casey  chuckles, rather excited to show his daughter what she'll do someday. He closes the storage door before flipping on the switch. Lights shine brightly, causing his daughter to close her eyes for a moment. He grins once she gazes at the scenery: there was a dead body tied to a wooden chair, blood dripping from his now missing jaw and his eyes rolled back into his head. Amy gasps, "D-daddy?! Why is he-" Casey kneels beside his daughter, placing his hands onto her shoulders. Turning her to look away from the corpse, their eyes lock. He gives a serious look to his daughter, "Yesterday... this man tried to take away your mother. Flirting with her, even though she told him she was married. He was trying to take her away from us. I couldn't let that happen." He explains, sometimes taking a side glance of disgust at the body. "I want you to know... you need to make sure the person you love is never taken away from you. You must do anything to stop them...


Amy wipes a tear from her cheek. That memory always haunted her. The first time she ever saw a dead body; that memory always scared her. It showed her what her father could do for his loved ones. So she'll make him proud by protecting her own. She walks to the entrance, turning the light off as she leaves. There wasn't enough time to clean the blood where she killed Sticks. Now that Amy rethinks her plan, she should've clean that area first. Luckily her school uniform wore white gloves, so she knows they can't identify her from her fingerprints. All that's there is blood.

~~~The next day~~~

Thursday 13:20 PM, blood was found by a civilian walking through the darkest part of the town. They called the police, who were quick to the scene. The head chief examines the scene, suspecting it to be another murder. "This is the 5th time in these 2 months to suspect a murder. "Maybe it was some fight." A man adds in. "Sir, what could've been used to kill this suspected victim?" The female deputy questions. Carefully stepping over any blood. As a blood analysis stares at the blood. Trying to find any patterns or pools of blood. Whilst someone photographs the blood stains on the ground. The blood analysis (Who was a male orange fox) place his thumb against his chin, "From the small stains by the wall, it's shown that the attacker must've hit them hard enough to put them against the wall.-" He points up to a small amount of blood on the wall. "-The victims head bangs against the wall as the attack hits them once more." Then he steps over to the big pool of blood. "The victim falls, the attacker either slashes a big opening or repeated to hit them." He finishes. Th deputy crosses their arms, raising an eyebrow at the blood.

Disgusted by the scenery. "I swear everyday someone gets attacked." The chief suddenly hears his phone ringing in his pocket. Swiftly he answers the call, "Hello?" Most stay quiet to try and listen in to the other caller. The chiefs expression changes from a focused to a confused one, "Really-- I, ok ok thank you for the info. Goodbye." He then hangs up the call, looking back up at his co-workers. "Well?" The deputy asks. "Apparently a man called at 9 AM, saying that his daughter hasn't come back home last night. That she'd go through this part of the town every time to get home." They explain. The deputy and blood analysis share a glance, before the deputy speaks up "Get this man back so we can know who his daughter is. This blood could be hers.-" Then they point to the orange fox. "-You take a sample of this blood and test it." He nods and does what he has been told. The deputy was determined to catch this so called killer. 

No matter what.

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