Easy elimination~

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"Aye Shadow! Where did you get the cookies? What is from a bunch of girl scouts?~" Scrouge mocks. The others laugh as Shadow rolls his eyes. "No you idiot. That rabbit gave me them for free." "Can I have one?" Storm asks, reaching his hand to the bag. For Shadow to whack the bird's hand away. "Piss off you big bird! They're mine." Shadow says glaring at him. He would've shared if he'd gotten breakfast this morning. Storm shrugs his shoulders and raises his arms in defense. "Alright then moody. I was just asking." He scoffs, before walking back to Jet and Fiona. Shadow continues to eat the last 3 cookies as his friends talk or go on their phones. They had around 10 more minuets before class starts: They never really cared if they were late or not anyway. As Shadow chews down on his sweets, he notices something in the distance. Something caught his eye. He could see a hedgehog figure peeking over the wall. It wasn't only odd that who ever it was watching the group, but that someone has gone to the back of the school. Not many do because the delinquents hang around this area. Most students feared them. "Hey Shadow! You listening or what?" Wave asks irritated that the hedgehog wasn't listening to her. He has a habit of getting distracted by such simple things, like a butterfly flying by. Shadow looks at her with confusion. "W-what?" She sighs. "I was talking about the party next Friday. You coming or not?" Shadow looks back to see that the figure was gone. he must've been imagining something was there. He turns back to Wave, "Yeah I'm coming." "Good!" She says before she goes goes back onto her phone. Shadow takes one more look to where the figure previously was. 'I swear someone is watching us.'

~~~Class Time~~~

The pink hedgehog sighs as she swirls her pencil in between her fingers. Bored in her classroom. The teacher was going on about something random, so Amy turned her attention to someone else. Shadow. Imagining him just makes her heart ache. As her eyes wander around the room, her emerald eyes stop when she sees the rabbit beside her. Cream was writing on a piece of paper. Out of curiosity, Amy tries to lean closer so she could read it, Cream eyes Amy confused. "W-why are you snooping Amy?" She asks, pulling the sheet of paper close to her chest. Amy smiles, "I wasn't Creamy, just wondering if you weren't doing work for once." Cream looks to the side for a second with a small giggle. The giggle wasn't loud enough for the teacher to hear them, but was enough for the student in front of them too. The student turns in his chair to lift his index finger up to his mouth, hushing them. "Can you two please be quiet?" He asks trying to not sound rude. Cream smiles warmly at the fox, "Sorry Tails, we'll stay quiet." He thanks the two and continues to listen to their teacher. The ladies also continue their conversation, "So what are you doing Cream?" Amy questions, she needs to know in case it involves her senpai. Cream's cheeks begin to turn pink, "Well... it's about Shadow." Amy's eyes widen. She needs to stop her. No one should have him but her. "We may not talk much but... I find him so hot and I want to date him" She whispers, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Amy does her best to smile and hide her anger, "Oh you're true about him being hot~If you want, I can help you make some special sweets for him." Cream eyes glisten at the idea. Giving Shadow special sweets could help for him to go out with her. But Amy had another idea to use this suggestion for her own needs. "Really? Can you meet me in the cooking club after school?" Amy smirks. "I'd love too.""Thank you." Cream says, their conversation ends as they go on with the lesson. Amy planning how'd she get rid of the rabbit.

~~~4:40 PM~~~

Amy smiles, walking her way to the cooking club. Eager to get rid of that bunny. Last time she got rid of her rivals peacefully, but now... she'll draw blood. Of course she can't go too far, Amy knows more girls could develop a crush on Shadow. Killing all of them would be suspicious, so some she'd spare~. The pink hedgehog gently pats her skirt's pocket, where her knife is being held. She hopes there is only Cream in the room: If so, she won't mind killing more than one. Amy makes it to the club, she knocks on the double door three times. To get a quick answer, "Come in!" A female voice shouts through the door. She enters the club to only see Cream, lucky for her. Amy waves at her friend, "Hey Cream." The rabbit looks up from her cookie dough and smiles at Amy. "There you are! I was getting worried you wouldn't show up miss Rose." Cream beams as she continues to shape the dough. Amy closes the door and goes up to Cream, putting her right hand behind her back. Ready to take out her knife. "I see you're already preparing for Shadow huh?" Cream giggles. "Yep! I hope he likes them." "He won't." Cream pauses, confused by Amy's comment. She stops making the cookies and turns to face the pink hedgehog. Who was grinning maniacally. "E-excuse me miss Amy?" Cream asks, worried by Amy's expression. Looking as if she was going to do something...bad. "I said he won't. Because he'll never get them." Amy takes out her knife and charges on top of Cream. Cream falls with Amy sitting on top of her. Before the rabbit can react, Amy stabs her in the throat. Cream begins to cough out blood as gallons of blood escapes her neck. Amy laughs as she takes out the knife, "Sorry Creamy...But Shadow is mine!" She digs the knife further into the gushing neck. Blood spraying everywhere. All Cream could do was stare as her once best friend repeats to stab her again and again.

Amy gets off of the dead corpse, who used to be her friend. This will take a lot of time to clean. She wipes her face with her sleeve and takes a couple of seconds to relax. Before searching for something to help clean the mess. There was a roll of tissues on the counter. She begins to rip loads from the roll and places them beside the dead body. Amy takes out a bottle from her other pocket. The label reading hydrogen peroxide. She places the spray onto the counter to then grab all the tissues. Wiping away all the blood that was on the floor, making sure to get rid of all of it. It taken around 10 minuets to fully get the floor clean, along with spraying the hydrogen peroxide where the blood previously was. She sighs, and takes her spray and knife back into her pocket. Then stares down at Cream's body, a smile slowly forms in the corner of her lips. Thinking what she did was the right thing to do. After all, she was trying to steal what is Amy's... right? She picks up the body, putting her left arm under the body's legs and her right arm supporting the corpse's back. Amy walks to the doors and opens them sightly. Enough to see outside the hall. Checking if anyone was in the hallway before stepping out. No one was there. She walks in the hallway then out the back door, which was only around the corner of the club. She exits the school and heads over to the incinerator. The delinquents had already left so she could just throw the body inside the incinerator easily. She smiles turning the machine on to get rid of her friend, it has been a while since she felt the adrenaline from killing. Killing those who'd even try to take her senpai, makes her so happy. Amy quickly changes into her gym outfit since there was some blood on her uniform. She'll wash her clothes at home, hiding the uniform in her bag. Now she can go home, but first she'll walk to Shadow's house to make sure he is safe.   

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