Chapter Nine

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-Leo POV-

I was more than furious about the betrayal of some of my goons. I expected nothing less than loyalty from them. They were all criminals but I rewarded them handsomely for their good work and anyone who fucks up gets taken care of. It was simple as that and the other night was a prime example.

I wasn't surprised at the attack from the Russian Mafia. They had been quite since the assassination of my brother Stefan and that had raised some alarms because I knew they wanted more than his death. They wanted me gone too and I wasn't ready to die just yet.

I had came up with a plan the night I met the alluring Bella. As she was the most stunning woman I had ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on I knew she would be perfect to get Dimitri's guard down. No one could resist someone as exquisite as her. Hell, I barely could but revenge is far sweeter than getting in between a beautiful woman's legs and I couldn't risk developing any kind of infatuation when she was about to be in the mix of a very dangerous war and the price she ends up paying may very well be her life.

Matteo hated me for it. After all she looked like she could have been the younger sister of his missing wife. He barely said a word to me since I revealed my plan to him. Now he was in the infirmary where he couldn't try to stop me from moving forward. Now was the time to make the move.

I had spent the morning making calls to IMG and Dior. The plan was to get her face out on time square on a huge billboard by tomorrow to get everyone to know her face. I wanted to catapult her fame and book her in Diors next fashion show as the opener and closer that was happening this Friday night. A show that Dimitri was attending.

Right now she was at the photo shoot and had no idea what was to come. Tomorrow when I reveal the billboard to her I was going to tell her what I wanted her to do. I just prayed she would be a good actress and it might even just save her life.

If she pulls this off she will hate my guts in the end but at least all of her dreams will have came true and that's just what happens when you make a deal with the devil.

I heard a steady knock on my door before I swung open. The only person who did that was Matteo but I still whipped my gun out, prepared.

He stood in front of me clinging on to a crutch. I knew he was in a lot of pain but he didn't show it. He looked at me with angry eyes and I couldn't help but smirk. My reaction was instinctive.

"Did you really leave the infirmary just to try to stop me one last time?" I chuckle.

"I heard she saved your life."

"I would have been fine, you know that."

"I personally think her debt is settled already."

I roll my eyes as I light the joint that I had laying on my desk. Taking a long drag before blowing out the hot smoke.

"Matteo, I've made up my mind. Stop trying to change it."

"She's special. You can't deny that. Find someone else. Fuck... I'll find you another." He begs. The worry was evident in his face now. He was desperate.

"Being attractive isn't special. There's hundreds more like her."

"I'm going to warn her then. Tell her that she needs to get far away from this fucking place before she dies before she gets a chance to even live!"

That's when I whip my gun out again as I lunge at him, pressing the tip of the barrel against his throat as I slam him against the wall as he groans in pain.

Matteo stills and glares me in my eyes. Slightly shaking at the fact that I might just end his life here and now. He was my best man but anyone could be replaced. I remove the gun as I pick up his crutch and slide it back into his hands.

"You've been on edge. You haven't been thinking rationally and I'm not the only one who thinks that." Matteo admits as soon as I step away. Of course I was on edge, I lost my brother shorty after losing my father. I had no one. This world was far crueler to me than it had been to anyone else.

"Matteo, I must end this war. I must protect the Mafia. You know Dimitri has a weakness for women like her. You know that she is our golden ticket."

"So what if she can get close to him and see where he hides in New York. That's no guarantee we can get to him and to kill him without them knowing it was us. This will start a bigger war if someone is caught."

"Or she can end it."

"What do you mean?" His eyebrows raising.

"She shot the man attacking me perfectly between the eyes. She wasn't even trying. She just aimed. She obviously has some kind of luck or talent because none of my goons can barely do that unless they have had some kind of extensive training."

"So what are you saying? She's going to be the one killing Dimitri?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. The plan is fool proof."



Hey everyone, Sie here!

First off, just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has commented, voted, added this story to your library/reading list, and followed me for updates. KEEP DOIN' WHAT YA DOIN'! It literally puts the biggest smile on my face cause I was starting to get really unmotivated because this story wasn't getting any reads for the longest but long and behold it finally is getting some attention and I've been working on ideas for this non stop since you lovely readers starting supporting me with all your wonderful comments and votes ❤️

On another note, I have a question for all my readers.... Would you like the romance to be more PG-13 with the steamy chapters in a separate place for those who want to read them or should I write them in this one and just post warnings? let me know 

Love y'all very much ❤️ see you next chapter

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