Chapter 19. "Can We Try This For Real"

Start from the beginning

    "That's okay. I'll wait 'til you do know." I tell him.

"Thanks, see ya."

"Yeah, bye."


"He what?" Evelyn screams.

"He ran up to me and professed his undying love in the middle of the hall." I tell her again.

"Well you guys are dating though so I mean isn't that what he should be doing anyways?" Marcus asks.

"Oh, yeah... about that guys, we weren't actually dating." I tell them slowly.

"I think I might faint." Evelyn says to herself.

"What do you mean? You went on a date and everything!" Marcus props himself up from my bed.

"We lied about being together because a video of us leaked and we figured that if we dated the consequences of that would lessen. Weird way of thinking, I know. I think mostly why I agreed was because he was hot or at least that was the reasoning at the beginning." I say.

"And now what's the reasoning?" Evelyn looks to me with her left eyebrow sky high and the other resting lower than it.

"And why the fu-heck did you go on a fake date?" Marcus sputters.

"Well one, the date was fake in the beginning but then we told each other that it could be a real one. Secondly, I don't know the reasoning now. He's attractive, he's definitely nicer to me now than before, he's fun to be around, I just am a bit nervous about saying yes to his 'real boyfriend' offer."

"Well why are you nervous, you said he's better." Evelyn inquires.

"I don't know. I'm an omega, easy to manipulate for most. Omegas are often bullied, raped, abused... I don't wanna be a statistic, what if he just thinks he likes me and then later 'e gets tired of me? What'll he do when he's tired of me? Just kick me to the curb?"

"If you honestly think he'd hurt you a second time then you shouldn't get with him." Marcus states firmly.

"I know. It's just a general fear of mine though, it goes for a lot of my relationships, friends, family, significant others, etc... I have to be careful who I'm around because for me it takes just one bad enough person to get me into some serious trouble. I'm not necessarily saying that he'd hurt me I'm just afraid in general of a relationship. I know the bad side of him already and I know how far he'll take things but I don't think he'd act like that again but if there's even a chance of him doing it... I don't know what I'd say to him. I don't wanna get stuck in a abusive relationship."

"Honey, look me in the eyes and tell me what you like about him." Evelyn says staring me down.

"What? Why?"

"If you can't look me in the eyes and tell me things that you like about him, things that he does for you that make you incredibly happy then you shouldn't be with him."

I take a deep breath and look her directly in the eyes, "He's thoughtful, he considers the things that he thinks I'd like. He tells me I'm gorgeous which nobody's ever really done that. When he looks at me I see this little sparkle in his eye. I notice he gives me small glances 'without me noticing' as much as possible and when I look at him he whips his head around and it's hilarious cause you can see how beet red he gets from it. When we kiss it feels literally electric like holy shit, Zeus. And my eyes are starting to hurt from this staring contest to that's it for now." I say with a giggle.

The Cries of a Broken Omega [BxB Omegaverse]Where stories live. Discover now