Its Time For Change

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9 months

*happy to stop to tell the bday girl that we drive crazy single day that a true ROD no matter what she tell you how it is so a very happy birthday and we wish you many more


Smh idk what been going on with Erica she just seem like she can't set still or relax no more she so jumping lately and talking out #Her neck all over me the next she quite and standing offish we don't even talk kiss or hold hands no one i mean yesterday i came home and she was standing outside watch the kids she was good but as soon as i wrapped my arms around E she kind of fold of up in a way where i couldn't kiss #Her its driving me crazy that i can't figure out whats wrong with Erica i thought of everything did everything i could but she wont open up to me i mean i would like my wife back i miss holding her kissing laughing making love to Erica uhhh well at less my legs and stomach are nice from all this damn working out i have been doing uhhh shit im tried to go back 5 miles uhhh shit..she runs back to the house she opens the door..yes everyone is still sleep i go upstairs and take a shower when i walk in the room i see Erica laying there in a big shirt..she walks over to Erica..good she looks beautiful i move Erica hair to the side then kiss #Her gentle on the cheek she moans and damn i got hot i pull back the covers and just take it all in i start to kiss on Erica face and neck when she wakes up i kiss #Her lips when i hear Erica moan my hands trail down to #Her legs yes god no panties i was rubbing on #Her clit when she start to i want you so much i miss #Her

E:no Cyn we can't baby..moving my hips to Cyn i can't do this

C:yes you can..i start to kiss down Erica body until i reach #Her pussy it felt like forever scents i see this much of Erica..i need it

E:no Cyn i can't baby..i sit up and push Cyn away from the look on #Her face i know she was losing patience with me and sorry baby but i can't have sex with you

C:why Erica..pouting sitting up

E:because im too fat baby..trying to sit up Cyn helps..see i can't even do that

C:baby your not fat you are pregnant baby..rubbing #Her look beautiful

E:well thank you and yes im very pregnant Cyn im almost 9 months

C:i know im so excited..rubbing #Her belle..see i told you can do it was nothing wrong with you its almost time for him or her to come out i can't wait

E:right so i don't have any room not even for your fingers to go in me sorry baby..turning to get out the bed

Cyn takes a deep breath

E:im sorry baby you do understand what i mean

C:yea i get it..looking down..don't worry about it

E:don't worry baby..kissing Cyn..i will make it up to later we will go away just you and me

C:yea where we go

E:anywhere you want baby

C:ohhh baby i know the perfect place

E:great well just hold on to that but in the mean time I'm go pee again

C:okay im go for other run

E:but you just came back baby you not tried yet

C:no its been 2 months baby i have more then enough energy

E:alright well stay sexy for me..slapping Cyn on the ass..damn baby its rock hard

C:damn it now you add other miles bye Erica..running out the room

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