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*Auother note: some of the chapter GET AWAY got published again sorry if it confused anybody but here is the new chapter*


lord how did I get here I was doing so good okay I'm lying I was going crazy not being able to see Erica the truth was it wasn't that's I didn't want to see Erica it was that I can't see laying there helpless I had been a nervous wreck after Sean told us that Erica plane had went down lucky they was able to jump from the plane just in time but it wasn't a easy landing on the way down Erica fell though some trees then smacked #Her head on the ground knocking #Her out then..gco

M:mommy the light is green

C: oh I'm sorry baby..turning the corner

K: u ready mama

C: as ready as I'm get..pulling up to the hospital

M: mommy u have to try

K: yea that what u tell us try everything before u say u need help

C: I know..getting Nikkie out the car who was still sleep..that y we are here

K: yes okay come Manny race u to the elevator..taking off

M:no far u cheated..running behind King

K: Hahaha I win..standing in front the elevator

M:because u cheated..Cyn walks up

C: hey y'all to don't start anyway it's late idk if they will let us in to see Erica baby

K: come on mama we at least have to try to see mommy..pulling #Her on the elevator

C: okay okay..they all get on the elevator

M:come on mama is this way..pulling #Her down a hall

C: okay I'm coming just relax buddy

M: this is mommy room..sliding open the door..u coming mama

C: y'all baby just give me a moment King take your sister with u

K: okay don't take to long..grabbing Nikkie and walking in the room

M: we will save u a spot..walking in the room

C: okay baby..I was standing outside of #Her room just wacthing as my babies went to kiss Erica on the cheek hold #Her hand and just looked at Erica it broke my heart to see my babies face just sitting then waiting for #Her to wake up or move or speak something to let them know that she is still in there and that she love them they are to young for all this they should be at home sleep in bed not in the ICU at 11 o'clock..gco

nurse: excuse me miss but visiting hours are over..standing next to Cyn

C: yea I know..still looking at Erica

nurse:and where did those kids come from I need to call someone..turning to leave

C:*grabbing her arm*no don't they just wanted to come tell #Her goodnight then we will be out of your hair

nurse: well are right but who are u

C: I'm the Nanny..why the hell did I just lie damnit Cyn she is your wife

nurse:well it nice to meet u..looking back at the kids laying on Erica as they wacth TV..what a shame

C: humm..look at my babies they need this more then I thought..what did u say

nurse:i said its a shame they have to go though this they are to young

C: yea do you know what happened

nurse:its really a sad story she was on #Her way back when they plane engine stooled out

C: oh my god did everyone make it out safe..don't cry u will be okay

nurse:thank god everyone did but they all are badly hurt

C: do u know what happen to #Her

nurse:yes girl it was shame there was child on the plane to when they jump she tried to protect him she left herself valueable the wind was so strong that it knock #Her around all over the place until she hit some trees what helped stop #Her but when she got lose she feel smack on the grown..looking at's a shame she is so young

C: i know..wipeing away a tear..what happened after she got to the hospital

nurse:child when they got here everyone was sent to be X-ray then straight to the ER they had to move fast

C:  did they say what was wrong

nurse:well..looking at the chart..she has broke #Her legs in 3 places the left arm had to be reset so they had to break to fix it a broke nose and..reading to the chart to herslef..she broke #Her ribs which was pushing down on the heart

C: oh my god..looking at the nurse..#Her heart is it okay

nurse:well it's stop 2 times but the doctors was able to bring #Her back miss are u okay

C: yes it just alot to take it

nurse: well she is okay..rubbing Cyn

C: I'm sorry but do u know when she maybe getting out of here

nurse:im sorry how did u say u know the patient again

C: she is my wife

nurse:oh well to be completely honest with u most people start to look for long time care places or designed to turn off the machines

C: well we wont be doing that she will wake up my wife is to stubborn to give up so easy..she could help but let tears fall as she walked in the room to Erica bed..hey babies

K:*half sleep* is time for us to go mama

C: no baby..I just stand there and look at all my babies in bed together again Nikkie head fell asleep on Erica chest while the boys was on each side of #Her

K: mama are u okay..yawning

C: yes baby..going over and kissing him on the get some rest we will sleep here tonight

K: okay love u mama..falls asleep

C: i love u too baby..I pull the cover up on all of them I kiss Nikkie and Manny as I wipe Manny nose when I got to Erica I just stopped and looked at #Her really look at this woman that I love so much even what all the cuts on #Her face she still is the most beautiful creations on earth to me idk how I could stay away for so long from #Her I missed seeing my love I missed #Her hugs and kisses god #Her lips always felt like haven when we kissed I felt like I could do anything with Erica by my side I could use a kiss now i move the oxygen mask off Erica and kiss #Her just for a second it was like old times and i forgot about where we was then I felt...


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