My Son Part 2

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I did it i told the truth about what was really going on between Raul and i back then I am standing up for what was right so y do I feel like shit right now...she take a deep breath...why did I just save one son only to lost the other...I look up and see Angie friend up on the stand give her testimony about what she saw happen between Raul and I on night that we was at a friends party...I just keep trying to not look back at Manny because it would kill I need to get some air

C: okay do u need me to come with u

E: no I'm fine I will be right back I just need to get some air...she get up to leave when..

uhhh wait right there Mrs. Mena...he turn back to the judge..the defense calls Erica Mena to the stand

C: what...I look up and Erica blanks me I know what she it okay baby u will so fine

judge: okay Mr. Clark your witness Mrs.Mena...

E: okay...I got in sit back on this damn stand what more could they ask me but I'm ready for u now...

C:Mrs. Mena what is your sexuality

D: objection your honer what does Mrs.Mena sex life have to do with the case

judge:he is right Mr. Clark move on

C:I'm trying to make a point your honer

judge: I will allow it

E: I'm bisexual..okay know I'm confused I'm I the one on trail here...

C: so u sleep with woman n men

E: yes...I look over and see Manny fighting with Kim he does not to held like that

C: so u are bisexuals​ but you are married to a woman a...he point Cyn...Mrs. Cynthia Santana..right

E: yes...she smile at Cyn

C:have u every had a threesome Mrs.Mena

E: Yes I have

C: have u every had one with Mrs. Santana

E: no...I look over at Cyn and see Rich

Cyn:hey what are u doing here..she hugs him then he sit next to her..

Rich: I had to come support my girl..he look up at is she doing up there

Cyn: so far so good she broke down a little at first but she good now...Manny start to fuss..oh lord my poor baby

Rich: what the hell is that girl doing with your son...

Cyn: long story...they turn back around..all lot drama

Erica: what does this have to do with anything...this was starting to piss me I never cheated on Raul with a woman..

Clark: But u cheated on Rich with Cyn

E:no I mean yes but it was just a kiss nothing happened after that between Rich and I we are just friends

Clark: how about my client..he walk to the jury...every cheat on him with other woman

E: no I have never cheated on Raul with a woman...she looks over at him with this big smile on his face...he new about every time I was with a woman because he was there watching me...Manny starts to whine

judge:young lady I'm need to keep your son quite n my court room...she shake her head yes...go head Mr. Clark and make your point soon

Clark: yes sir...he turns back to Mrs. Mena your bisexuals​ meaning u like men and women your are married to a woman and u have a son with my client and just adopted a little girl with your wife I'm I getting this right

E: yes but we didn't adopted Nikkie my wife carried Nikkie

Clark: Mrs.Mena what I'm getting to is that...Manny starts to cry...what man would put up with there woman having sexually relations with the same sex

E: are u sure your a man...she looks over at Cyn and smile...what man wouldn't want have sex with two girls...the jury and everyone laugh at Erica..

C: hahaha alright u have a point there Mrs. Mena....

Manny: NO...he slams his cup on the floor..I want mama..crying

K: you can't have her you need to stay here with me...she try to get him to sit still but it doesn't help he starts to cry louder...

Manny: (crying the whole time)I want my mommy mama ma mommy I want me mama mommy I want my mommy

K: shhhhhh Larry before Big Dad whip us again...

C: Manny crying was pulling at my hart strings okay Cyn keep claim he will settle down soon...

Rich: are you okay...he look over at Cyn

Cyn:yes its just hard to go to him when he crying but know he calling for me I just need to face forward

judge:young lady keep that child quite or u will have to leave my court room

Raul: oh she going to get him quite..he turns and look at Kim..

Kim: I'm sorry Big Daddy he just want...trying to keep hold of Manny..

Raul:I don't care what he wants just give it to him

K: but he wants his mama..she looks down a crying Manny who face was red now...

judge: I though u was his mother..he points to Kim..

Raul: she is we just adopted him..

judge:well if he is mother get him quite whatever is he wants give to him

Raul: your head the judge Kim give him what he wants...

K: okay Big Daddy but you're not going to like it...she puts Manny down on the floor and he starts to walk right for Cyn crying the whole way..

Manny: Mama...he holds his arms up and look at Cyn...up mama up

judge:wait a second he is your child..he points to Raul and Kim..but he is calling her who is the child really mother...

Cyn:we are your honer...Rich hands Manny over to her...Erica and I adopted Manny but his biological mother wanted him back so we lost him..she look down at Manny who was holding to her so tight...its okay baby but she changed her mind...she look back at Raul..but when went to get him back he was already adopted

judge:wait who child is it again..he looks from Cyn to Raul to Kim to who is the child parents

E/C: we are..

R: no I'm

judge: you know what bailiff get somebody down from family court so we can get this matter solved on is the child real parent is

he is my child.....everybody turns and looks at the door

so here is the next part leave me some comments on what u think and who comes in the court room and don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE....@Tremaine81 see that cliff hanger city boo lol

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