George looked down at the city. The helicopter was at the edge of it, they were flying towards the smaller cities around London. Why wouldn't they want to land on a high building in London for the exchange? The pilot answered his question.

"Sir, I am going to have to request a trespassing by the Airport London Heathrow if we are to continue the course you have set."

They were not going to fly over the airport. They were going to land. George realized it. His eyes wide opened, he turned to Panpas.

"Request it, send the route and it's high priority."

"Never mind. We are supposed to be landing there. There is a bomb threat in the airport, Terminal three. Sending the SWAT in, but the local security is getting people out right now."

"Oh fuck. How much time do we have?", Panpas asked while twisting in his seat to get to the first-aid-box hanging behind him.

"We will arrive in two minutes", the pilot answered.

"Lift your shirt."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no!", George was shaking his head. Panpas had found a scalpel.

"George, listen to me. We need to get that chip out in the next two minutes. Grab onto this –", Panpas gave him a bandage from the kit, "and try not to move too much."

"Oh fuck, oh fuck", George repeated, while pulling up his shirt and trying to lay in his seat. He grabbed the bandage tight into his fist. Staring at the ceiling of the helicopter, he tried to think happy thoughts. He couldn't.

He felt the pain of the cut Panpas had made below his ribcage. His abdominal muscle contracted and he squeezed his eyes shut as tears started rolling. His stomach rebelled even worse and he was sure he was going to throw up. His body started freezing and he clenched his teeth together as PAnpas exchanged the scalpel for tweezers.

"One minute.," the pilot said.

It hurt like hell and seemed to last ages. George started biting on his tongue to distract him from the pain.

"Okay, I got the chip. Hold this to the wound, you need tape to make sure it heals correctly", Panpas sprayed disinfectant on the wound.

George slowly un-clenched his body, realizing he toungue was bleeding, too. Panpas taped the wound shut. It was dark outside. George pulled down his shirt after panpas cleaned his blood off of him. The wound was sealed by a small band aid.

"Are you done? You should be landing now", Johnson sounded worried.


George looked out at the lit up airport. One plane stood out to him because of its size, it was small but looked expensive.

"Land on the runway right in front of terminals 3", Johnson advised the pilot.

The helicopter slowly sank down on the runway.

"No going back, Davidson. Good luck", Johnson said, "remember that many victims are freed as soon as the money is paid."

It did not sound hopeful.

Panpas just laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Warren is a lucky man. You are a good friend."

George threw up. He managed to lean forward enough to not hit himself. It represented how he felt. The door opened and after wiping his mouth with the bloody tissue, George followed Panpas out of the helicopter. Two men with machine guns and face masks stood 20 meters (65 feet) away from them in front of the entrance to the terminal. Panpas reached into the helicopter and pulled the safe out.

George took it with trembling hands. His heart sunk into his stomach. He felt like throwing up again. His stomach hurt, the safe felt like it was burning his hands. George had remembered an information he had been given earlier.

He was not the only one with a tracker. The safe had one in it, too. And he was about to walk through a body scanner with it.

Should he walk to the two men? Turn around and run? Or wait for their orders?

They were going to kill him if they found the tracker. They were going to kill Dream.

They were going to kill Dream.

Panpas suddenly kneeled on the ground next to him. Irritated, George looked down at him. Panpas was not looking back at him, but at the men with the guns.

One of them pointed his machine gun at George.


George stumbled foreward. The world was turning around him. His legs shaking, the short distance seemed endless. He just walked until he reached the door of the terminal. Another man stood inside of the terminal, raising his gun when he saw George.


George slowly put the safe down and walked into the body scanner. He tried to listen to what happened with the safe, but he had to keep looking forward. Another man with a different weapon activated the scanner.

Any minute now, they were going to realize the safe was tracked, too. They were going to shoot him. Execute him in the airport. George barely stood upright in the scanner. His face was white with fear. The scanner moved around him. George heard the safe being lifted. They were going to scan it after him. The scanner did not beep and the man standing in front of George nodded. He held out a glass of a substance looking like water.


George reached for the glass. Was it poison? He took a deep breath and drank the fluid. It tasted like a medicine he used to take as a kid whenever he was sick.

"Walk in front of me, right out of the gate. You will see a plane. Get into the plane."

George just stood in front of the scanner, waiting to be shot. But it did not happen. Instead, the man put the gun onto his back and started pushing him towards the plane.

George took a few unsteady steps. The world turned around him. He felt drunk. The next moment, he was in front of the plane. Taking the steps up into the plane was hard. Partly because he felt like he was going to pass out any moment, partly because he had already fallen onto the steps two times.

The conversation around him felt like he heard it through thick glass.

"-reaction to the sedative-" - "-ready to start-"

George fell onto the floor and passed out.


this chapter was so hard to write! I hope its not that bad uff. Feedback (votes or comments) mean the world to me :DD]

Never seen your face (until you disappeared) Dream X GeorgeNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now