The call

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George woke up with zero missed calls. Now he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in his stomach anymore. He felt sick and increasingly worried. Dream couldn't just... disappear. George knew that missing people were far more common than people thought. Normally, one had to pay the ransom and was free again. In 68% of the cases, to be exact. Well, if there had been a kidnapping. In Dreams case, an abduction since he wasn't a kid anymore. But time was essential, moving fast and communicating with the kidnappers mostly went well and got everybody what they needed.

Suddenly George remembered something, a phone number Dream gave him years ago. Back when he was still living with his parents, which always sounded like hell.

„It sounds so stupid, but I'm going to give you the number of my parents." George had laughed back then, „You know, something can always happen! I want you to, you know, know when I die of a heart attack in Minecraft."

„Sounds very on brand ", George had answered and written down the phone number on a post-it. Then he had put in somewhere on his desk. His body got a rush of adrenaline as he got out of bed and started ruffling through his paper on the desk. This was going to be a long search.

George tried hard not to get too worried, Dream was 20 years old after all – he could look after himself. Maybe he just went out, partied hard and passed out after. No, Dream was not the party animal. His body grew increasingly hot with worry as he tried to have a systematic look for the number. His hands started shaking, he felt his heart galloping in his chest.

'What the fuck', he thought to himself noticing he was on the brim of freaking out, it wasn't as if they never had a day without talking to each other. Well, it didn't happen often to be honest.

He finally found the small post-it and started dialing the number on his phone. His finger hovered over the call button before he finally pressed it. It started ringing, but someone on the other side of the line hung up on him. George stared at his phone. What did that mean? Dream was safe and didn't want to talk?

His own phone rang. Maybe it was Dream? Maybe I wasn't? He needed to calm down. He went to his bed and answered the call without looking at the screen.

Mr.Panpas was on the line and gave him no time to get lost in his thoughts any further. He sounded urgent. Very urgent.

„We need you in the office right now. Its highest priority, you have five minutes! Understood? "

A new case already? George snapped out of his panic the moment he heard „highest priority ". The thought of Dream missing was pushed to the back of his brain as he answered a rushed yes and RAN in his bathroom, throwing his phone on his bed in the progress. He couldn't brush his teeth, so he just threw water in his face, further waking him up. He threw on a shirt and his jeans from yesterday.

When he struggled too much on his socks, he left them crumpled up and threw on his shoes over them. He grabbed his keys, a jacket and left the small flat he lived in. He threw the door closed, not bothering to struggle with his keys to close it, it was too time-consuming. The bureau was down the street, normally he went with the subway, but one glance at the display of the train times informed him that the next train came in five minutes. Cursing, he turned to his electric scooter (wich reminded him of Dream).
Panpas greeted him when he came in. He stood in front of the door talking with a stern-looking woman wearing a suit.

"Mrs. Jackson, this is Mr. Davidson, our IT-expert. Mr. Davidson, this is Mrs. Jackson, federal agent –"

„Good Morning Mr. Davidson. We need you to locate this cell phone ", Mrs. Jackson interrupted. George noticed that the office looked drastically different. The tables were moved so a large whiteboard could fit in the middle of the room.

Never seen your face (until you disappeared) Dream X GeorgeNotFoundOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant