character q/a: answers.

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q/a: answers:


1-What was your favorite fact that Nate told you?

Adelaide: I think it's the kangaroo one. I read more about it too! Apparently two vaginas are for the sperm cells to pass and one is for the fetus to slip into the pouch.

2- how did you handle being in the spotlight like on the news and stuff after nates death?

Adelaide: Well . . . I didn't handle it well (I literally don't handle anything well so that's not a surprise). I hated it. I hated how much people asked and reporters wanted to get details out of me. So I flipped them off and locked myself at home and I refused to answer questions anymore.

3- If Nate had lived, would you guys have maybe gone on a date later...?👀

Adelaide: no, I don't see him like that. He's like a brother to me.

4- Do you prefer jeans or some other kind of pants?

Adelaide: sweatpants are the best.

5- What shampoo do you use?

Adelaide: Uh . . . Why do you care?

6- How are you doing during quarantine?

Adelaide: All I've been doing is gardening and thinking.

7- If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

Adelaide: Hanging Gardens of Babylon! I wish I could go back in time and see them for myself.

8- Did you or do you have any friends before the whole kidnapping situation?How did they react? And how did they react when you finally came home/ told them about nate?

Adelaide: I did and I still have friends! Uh, a typical reaction, I guess. Worrying and waiting. When I finally came back they were obviously relieved but at the same they were sorta shocked and in disbelief. Not much of a reaction when I tried telling them about Nate. They only reacted when they saw pictures of him, they found him cute.

9- Hey, are you doing? Are you doing alright after everything that happened?

Adelaide: Hi! I'm alright, thanks for asking. It's so hard to get over what happened or to stop blaming myself for everything, but I'm getting there.



1- When did you get the dog?

Christopher: Around 5 years ago. Nate was 14.

2- What did you get Nate for his 18th birthday?

Christopher: I wasn't there unfortunately, I was already in France. But I was planning to rent a yacht for him when I come back to make it up.

3- Chris said the play was biased so how did the story actually go?

Christopher: I hate talking about this because it feels like I'm blaming Genevieve and that's the last thing I wanna do. The problem is that the script made it look like I was the one enticing her. In reality she started it. When we met, I genuinely just wanted to help her. I didn't try to win her over or anything. Even when we kissed, she did it. She seemed desperate and sad, and I gave in at some point (long story but I had some issues with my wife at that point). I fucked up too, I'm not denying. But the script made it look like I was the one pushing her into the relationship when it was actually the opposite. And it made it look like I was content with lying and was planning to keep going until Genevieve told me about the child. That's not how it happened. I was the one planning to end it because I realized that's fucked up. I realized both Genevieve and I were searching for other people in each other. And I didn't suddenly abandon her, I talked to her and explained how the relation needs to stop.

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