chapter 24:what to do what him

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Riley pov

Rosalie tackled her dad and he dropped Renee and she ran up to me and I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck softly taking her out of her. I ran up the stairs and out the door to see she big war taking place and I saw jaxson and I ran up to him.

"Jaxson I got her she is ok but Rosalie is fighting her dad"I told him putting Renee down and she ran up to jaxson and he picked her fur while she purred.

"Take my pup to the woman a couple minutes from her I called her knowing we would need s person to take her home so go now"he said and I nodded and ran off with Renee in my mouth. I ran and ran till I saw this girl and she looked so beautiful and she smelled so good. I went up to her setting Renee in front of her and she looked down but I knew she was in my pack.

"Hello who might you be"I asked he and she smiled and she was in wolf form just in case.

"G grace"she said and my wolf purred at her name

"Well Grace my beautiful mate please take Renee home I will send you later"I told her going up to her and liking her ear and she purred and I ran off leaving her shocked.

"Good move" my wolf said

"I know "I said back and I ran back to help the war.

Rosalie pov

Right after Riley left with Renee me and my dad fought hitting at each other and kicking each other me in wolf form in his human form. I grabbed his neck and teleported outside to make it easier since it was a little dark down their.

"Well I see you are like your mom with powers" my dad smirked I growled and I bit at his leg and he helped in pain. We fought hurting teacher other and he was healing with every bit I did to him since vampires heal fast then werewolves. I was getting mad that I as not killing him but then Dustin came out of no where tackling my dad and held him down as I went for his neck. I bit in his neck and I looked in his eyes and saw regret and sadness and it made me sad so I just bit his head to just knock him out.

"Why did you do that"Dustin asked

"I can't kill my own father I cant"I said and I told a pack member who was not busy to run him to the pack house.

"Well we have a war to win"I said and me and Dustin fought off more enemies.

2 hours later (I don't like much violets)

We ended up winning and some rogues ended up surrendering running off or joining our pack and for the vampires they all died or escaped. We all went to our homes and my packs going back to our land but thanking the packs that helped on the way back. We got home after 30 mins and I ran to change then down to the cells I went. When I got there visas my dad was awake and he was chained out with fire surrounding him if he tried moving.

"Well why did you not kill me"he asked

"I can't kill my own flesh and blood maybe you can but I cant"I said and he nodded. I saw him week and I knew they injected him with some werewolf venom so I knew he was a werewolf again.

"Is your wolf back"I asked

"Yes Mr annoying is back" he said fake chuckling

"M may I talk to him"I asked and he sighed

"He does not remember anything call he knows I he is my wolf and he forgot he had a mate or a child" he said and I felt tears running down my face.

"N no your l lieing!!"I screamed and blew off the fire

"No I am not he does not see r or your self" he said closing his eyes and out came his wolf.

my powerful twin alpha matesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora