Chapter Eleven

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The next two weeks seemed like a complete eternity. Rowan and Abigail finally published all the information that connected Derrick to the oil crisis. He had been sabotaging all the oil fields and reserves he could get his hands on. Even those in the Middle East. It did drive up his sales in which he could inflate for personal gain. Then the real story behind Derrick contracting Ford for the formulas, how he chased Blake across the world and everything was lead under Turk Everson. Not once did Derrick know Ford had been an undercover agent since the beginning, everything turning badly for Derrick himself. Once the news broke about leaks in the MI6, the whole country seemed in turmoil. They were all eventually found and had their proper sentences.

The company of H&X had been tricked by Derrick, making it seem like it was his company that was receiving all the oil, making them the prime suspects in the investigation. Their name was finally cleared.

Blake sent money to Nolan and Ian to be able to rebuild the ranch but was having a hard time doing that because she spent most of the two weeks in the British Intelligence and the MI6 being questioned over the story. She said what she could and that was all.

"Blake," Constable Corbyn leaned forward. "Can you promise me one thing?"


"If you ever come into contact with any more men like these, will you please get the M16 involved? These cases are getting far more dangerous for journalists like yourself."

"That I can't promise," Blake nodded with a grin. "I want to catch them as bad as you guys do so, if you don't mind, the P.M wants to met with us and I need to go."

"You five," the P.M laughed. "Have done me personally a great service."

Rowan, Abigail, Blake, Professor Callahan and Professor Peterson stood before him. Blake glanced over at Abigail who held a smirk on her face. Blake looked back at the door, wondering where Ford could possibly be. He was just as responsible for helping them as they were.

"Professor Callahan for creating the formula, Professor Peterson for actually making it, Rowan and Abigail for exposing Derrick as the fraud he is," the P.M stopped in front of Blake. "And you. You seemed to have done the most dangerous part of it all. I commend you for your bravery. Thank you, Ms.Barnes."

"You're welcome," Blake smiled at him.

"And know this," he looked at them. "I owe you all a great deed. I mean this now, if you ever need any favor, I'd be more than happy to fulfill it. It would be my honor."

"And I thought we were going to get some sort of honorary mention or knighted," Sabrina pouted. Rowan chuckled, glancing over at Abigail who wouldn't stop eating her meal. "Have you not fed her? You monster."

"She just ate," Rowan laughed. "Are you going to eat?"

"Me," Blake looked down at her food. "Um.. I already ate before coming. I think I'll save it for dinner."

"Blake? Are you alright," Rowan asked, grabbing her hand. "You've been quieter than usual.. but at the same time, I've never seen you so happy."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Blake smiled, placing her other hand over it. "I've been thinking."

"About what," Emma leaned forward in her seat. "Come on, we are all friends here."

"Well just how people live their lives differently. We all do different things that affect us in different ways... I guess ," Blake glanced up at Jon and Emma. "You know?"

"I have an idea," Jon leaned back in his chair.

The two weeks dragged on to two months. The springtime seemed to have brought the routine back. Walk into the news room, sit down, find a new story and go after it. Most of her stories seemed to be smaller, less intense than the one she had two months ago. She couldn't stop imaging her life back out in the country.. no more papers to write, just her out there. The thrill was gone now. But there was another feeling that wouldn't leave her side for a single day. Ford just had seemed to disappear off the face of the earth... leaving her in slight turmoil.

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