Chapter Ten

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"It's not working?! What do you mean? When that woman came in selling us the formulas, she said it was working," The P.M exclaimed. "I promised the people that this would work!"

The head scientist, Walter Buchanan glanced up at the P.M. They sat at his private flat trying to find out why the formula wasn't working.

"Sir," the bodyguard walked into the room. "May I have a word?"

"Yes Edward," the P.M sat down defeated. The bodyguard proceeded to remove his jacket and his hat. "You're not-."

"I'm not," Ford held his hands out. "I'm Officer McIntyre, a friend of Professor Callahan's. A have a plan sir in how we can trick Derrick."

"How do you know this," the P.M stood up, ready to call his security.

"Because A want to take down Derrick as much as you do and a also know this because I have the formulas," Ford set the little red notebook on the coffee table. "A helped the woman who was delivering the formulas make it to the Professor in Alaska. Sir, Derrick is planning to take the P.M position from you any way he can. By selling you his formula-."

"He didn't sell me any formula... a woman did," the P.M stated.

"That must have been his own daughter selling it to you."

"How do you know this?"

"I bugged his office," Ford smirked. "Before I had my phone destroyed, I heard his plan. What I need you to do is agree with anythin' he accuses you of."


"It's the only way of catching him red handed," Ford nodded.

"You have a visitor," the guard at the door revealed Rowan. When he laid eyes on Ford, unaware of who this man was.

"Mr.Brantley," the P.M looked at him. "What can I do for you?"

"I just," Rowan didn't take his eyes off Ford. "I just came to warn you about the formulas. Professor Callahan would never given them to anyone yet."

"Yes, that's what the young man here is telling me," the P.M nodded, sitting down on the sofa. Ford pulled out the red bandana, revealing the two vials. That seemed to interest Walter even more.

"Are they-," Walter stepped forward. Ford nodded, handing it to him. "They work?"

This is where Rowan found himself at a cross roads. Who was this man and why was he helping them? It just had to be for financial gain, there could be no other reason than that. Rowan stopped himself, trying to not jump further into any conclusions.

"Professor Peterson said it does. His word is good enough for me," Ford nodded.

"Thank you gentlemen... Agent," The P.M smiled at them both. Rowan nodded as he exited the flat, realizing there wasn't really much for him to do except contemplate that the man was an M16 agent. "Young man, you have been of great service."

Ford smiled at him but in entered the MI6. The P.M looked at the lead agent. Turk Everson. Ford stared at him, finally figuring out how he always use to find them so fast.

"What is the meaning of this," the P.M ordered as he was arrested.

"You're under arrest for fraud," Turk ordered. "You're trying to rob the paying people of England for your stupid miracle grow? Like if anyone will believe that... oh look, you even thought you cracked it."

Ford realized they didn't know that these vials actually worked, rather he thought that it was made from the same formula that they had sold to him.

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