Chapter 24

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Midoriya couldn't breathe, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He took in short hiccuped breaths, trying his hardest to say anything.

"Oh my god, I can't breathe!" Ashido yelled, laughing. Midoriya finally calmed down from his laughing fit and gained his composure.

"Oh god, Kaminari you have to tell that one to Kiri when he gets back," Midoriya laughed. The four university students continued to walk down the sidewalk which had considerably few people for a Friday night. Mildly buzzed, anything seemed funny to them at the moment.

The autumn breeze picked up, ricocheting through the Musutafu buildings. The four could barely build off of each other's jokes without bursting into a fit of laughter.

Hands in his pockets, Midoriya felt his phone buzz. Picking it up, he saw Todoroki's name appear at the top of the screen. He looked at it.

"Are you gonna answer?" Sero asked.

"Eh, this is a drama-free night, we don't need that noise," Kaminari said.

"He never calls. He doesn't like calling too much, it might be important," Midoriya replied while picking up.

"Hey, Todo—"

"Izuku, where are you?" Todoroki asked urgently. "Who are you with?"

"Uh, I'm just walking back to UA from Zoroku Yuzan. I'm with Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero," he said hesitantly.

He heard Todoroki talking to someone on the other end. He was able to hear a voice faintly say something about a few blocks from the bar.

"Izuku, please listen. Take your friends, and run to UA. Sprint. Get there as soon as possible," Todoroki demanded.

"Todoroki, what's going on? You're scaring me," he said. The other three looked at him with concern. They signaled for him to put in on speaker, but he refused. Ashido leaned to the phone.

"What's the deal Todoroki?" Ashido asked accusingly.

"You need to go now! You are in danger!" Todoroki declared. Midoriya's heart began pounding as he began to get more and more worried.

"Guys, we should run," he said softly. The three looked at him. Midoriya opened his mouth only for another person to speak.

"Midoriya Izuku," a familiar raspy voice said a couple of meters away. The four university students saw a gun pointed their direction. The four of them stopped in their tracks.

"Izuku? Are you there? Is everything okay?" Todoroki asked urgently through the phone.

"Aw, is that Todoroki? Hang up," Shigaraki said. Midoriya obliged and put the phone in his pocket. Shigaraki flicked his gun towards the alleyway and the four kids followed his commands. Midoriya stepped out in front of all his friends. He contemplated keeping his mouth shut, but he had to try something.

"Vulture, I'm on the no harm list, you can't touch me," he said boldly, hiding all his friends behind him from the line of fire.

"No," Ashido whispered. "I thought... it was just... I thought I was crazy. He couldn't actually..."

"Woah wait, Midoriya, did you say Vulture? As in the Vulture that killed Jirou? All Might?" Kaminari said.

"Cat's out of the bag, huh?" Shigaraki smirked. "I'm surprised you didn't tell them about your association with us."

"Association?" Sero asked.

"Midoriya, you're not one of them, are you?" Kaminari begged.

"No, not him," Ashido said softly. "At game night, I thought I recognized his voice, but I couldn't make such accusation. Todoroki is a Bird."

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