Chapter 13

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Todoroki, Dabi, Bakugou, and Toga all sat in in the Todoroki's living room. After visiting hours were closed off, they sought to plan immediately. Nobody said anything for a while, until Todoroki finally broke the screeching silence by turning on the news.

"...attack like this will not make us cower down. In fact, all it will do is drive us to take down this villainous organization. This new flex of power, to kill innocent students, to harm those who have only done good, is even more of a reason to find everyone responsible for the deaths of many citizens of the great state of Japan, guilty."

Todoroki immediately turned it off. "Hypocritical bastard," Todoroki muttered.

"Endeavor loves to preach like a saint, huh?" Bakugou sighed. The Todoroki's ignored anything their father said and went continued to sit with each other.

"So, what exactly do we want to happen?" Dabi asked. Everyone looked around. Bakugou glanced at Todoroki and he sighed.

"Well," Todoroki started. "Ideally, this ends up with Shigaraki dead and All for One takes someone else under his wing. Though who that would be hasn't been ultimately decided."

Everyone nodded, continuing to look at him. After a bit, Todoroki continued. "I thought of a basic plan, but I need help filling in the holes. So, killing Shigaraki with our own hands is out of the question, All for One will not be that dumb and we will face the consequences. We have to set him up, make it look like he brought it upon himself. Condor has only one living addition to the no harm list, his brother. I'm sure you all remember him, and if you don't, consider yourself lucky I guess."

The other three chuckled. "There is no way Shigaraki is stupid enough to kill him, so we have to set him up. We need to have him come back into Shigaraki's life somehow, give him a reason to kill him. But in order for this to succeed, that means that one of will have to put our life on the line in hopes for the success of this mission. That's why, I—"

"I'll do it," Bakugou said, cutting off Todoroki. Everyone looked at him. "You need to be the next to take over. If this plan goes south, you die. We need you to stay around to try again to make sure that bastard doesn't continue his antics. If we plan this right, it'll work, but better safe than sorry."

"Hold on, Bakugou, are you sure about this?" Todoroki asked. "I don't believe that I'm qualified to take over such a position. Yeah I'd do better than Shigaraki, but it needs to be a qualified person who can carry out the mission statement," Todoroki retorted. Dabi scoffed.

"And how is that not you?" Dabi asked. "You can do more than you give yourself credit for. And I think out of the four of us, you're the most devoted to the mission statement. You're passionate for justice and you're a stickler for doing things right."

"And also you're really smart," Toga chimed in. "Like you can think on your feet and you always think ahead."

"Come on Todoroki," Bakugou said. "You'd do great, and you'd bring this shit out of the hole that bastard is currently digging."

Everyone glanced at each other for a bit before Todoroki finally cleared his throat. "Thank you Bakugou," he said softly. "Here's what I'm thinking. We buy two plane tickets for Bakugou and Kirishima. A couple hours after they 'board', Bakugou does the deed and he stays with Kirishima at Kirishima's parent's house or something for a couple days. Somewhere where he wouldn't be encountered. Once he comes back, Shigaraki will be killed by the list."

"Alright, and what if he accuses Bakugou of never getting on the plane?" Toga asked.

"Well, Dabi, I was hoping you could take care of that, make it look like he got on the plane," Todoroki said.

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