Chapter 5

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Todoroki sat down in his usual seat, putting his leg up on the seat next to him to reserve it. The bartender walked over to him. Todoroki shook his head.

"Not yet, also I'm paying with card tonight," Todoroki replied.

"What's the occasion?" The bartender asked.

"An exchange of information," Todoroki replied. "More one way, but I'm getting information nonetheless."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. By the way, you might want to check the news if you haven't already," the bartender recommended. He gave a look to Todoroki as he walked away, glass in hand.

Todoroki opened up his phone. He already knew exactly what he was looking for. He went on his phone browser and searched All Might.

There it is. He tapped on the video and put an earbud in. All Might stood at a podium. The crowd hushed down as he began speaking. "As most of you are aware, the hitman organization Birds of Prey has not only taken the lives of many citizens, but they are now taking the lives of people who have higher security. Though every law abiding life in this beautiful world is equal, it is evident that this organization is becoming more dangerous. We cannot let such criminals and evildoers roam the streets of Japan any longer. Such malignant, malicious criminals ought to pay the price for their crimes. That is why I am here with you today. I am here to happily say I will be working with the FBI to stop these malevolent and sinister people from terrorizing the people of this city any longer!"

The crowd cheered. All for One was right. Todoroki pursed his lips. This is bad. With the thought of his friends' and his brother's life on the line, this 'date' felt all the more important.

Todoroki felt something on his shoulder. He almost whipped around and punched the source out of defense, but was able to grasp the situation in time. He turned around and smiled at Midoriya.

"Sorry, you were just staring at your phone and I wasn't sure how to get your attention," Midoriya laughed slightly, rubbing his neck. Todoroki glanced back at his phone. He closed twitter and put his earbud back in its charging case.

"Oh, sorry. I just didn't get to see the speech until now," Todoroki said. He took his leg off the spare seat and dragged it a little closer to him. He patted it and Midoriya sat down. "Glad you could make it."

"Yeah, thanks for inviting me," Midoriya smiled. He glanced down at his hands as he spoke. Todoroki was determined to get as much information as possible, even if it meant analyzing his mannerisms. "What did you think of All Might's speech?"

"I thought it was eloquent," Todoroki replied. "I think he did a good job reassuring the people. I'm glad he's going to be working with the FBI to take down the organization. How about you?"

Midoriya didn't look away from Todoroki as he spoke. He nodded his head as he listened to Todoroki talk. "I thought it was great. I mean, I think it was inevitable that he would pitch in, seeing as Birds of Prey has evaded the law for almost five years now, especially with all the crimes they commit. I mean, it is a little terrifying, having someone paid to stalk you for a couple weeks and then kill you. I mean, I could have a Bird stalking me right now and I wouldn't even know," Midoriya rambled. Todoroki watched meticulously to every movement, every word.

"But that's another reason I want to be an agent. I want to be able to save those who are scared in a sense. People shouldn't have to fear being slaughtered by someone like them," Midoriya said. Every word that rolled off the green haired man's tongue was sweeter than sugar. But the way he said "them" was almost as if he was spitting out venom. Todoroki bit the inside of mouth and nodded.

The bartender came over. "Hello, how can I help you two today?" She asked.

"Hmm, can I have a lime martini please?" Midoriya asked. The bartender nodded. She turned to Todoroki.

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