Comenzar desde el principio

"Dont be a prick." Gary replied with grin, and for the first time in days he genuinely laughed.

"Where are we going?" Calem asked.

"To meet the girl who knows too much."


At eleven o'clock at night, the moon was up. The weather was pleasant, crisp and cool. Other times, kanto could be frigid and chilly depending on the season but on this particular evening,
Gary was standing somewhere in the forest reserve with the most annoying person, who gary also consider as his arch enemy.

"Why are we standing in the middle of nowhere." calem grumbled.
 gary pretended not to notice the frowns on his face as he kept swatting at the mosquitoes.

"I never knew you were scared of forest or I would have arranged some other place" a calm feminine voice asked behind me. I whipped around to see the lavender haired girl walking out of nowhere.

"Anabel..." Gary muttered as he walked towards her.
"What did you wanted to ask?" She questioned.
"Who is she.?" Calem interrupted before Gary could even start.

"Do you really needed to bring him? Am I that SCARY?" She said sarcastically pointing at him.

"Are you insulting me?" Calem asked.

"Did it look like anything else."anabel said with a smirk.

"Stop it both of you!" Gary stated firmly as he stepped between them.

"Listen you don't need to concern who I bring with me. Just tell me my answers and you are good to go."

"That's what I'm here for, ain't I?"she said plainly.

"See I don't know what's happening here but its certain that team flares being part of it, and I also know that you were working with ash over it."

"Yes I was, so."she questioned.

"SO TELL ME WHAT THAT WAS!" Gary exclaimed, losing his cool.

"That's something you need to figure out yourself." Anabel replied while fiddling with her watch.

"What?" Gary asked being dumbfounded by her reply.

"Are you serious, we came all this way in this stupid forest and you are gonna act like that." Gary said giving her exasperated look.

"And why here of all the places in kanto." Calem said, enraged.

"That is something I could answer." Anabel said before taking a few steps back.

"What?.." Gary said before he heard rustle of leaves behind him.
He turned around to see two hooded figure with their houndooms grunting in darkness as they made their way towards him.

"WHAT'S THE meaning OF THIS "Gary exclaimed as he took a defense stance between the two sides.

"Only two grunts. That's what you thought could defeat us, bitch." Calem said with a laugh.

"I pity you Xavier's." Anabel chuckled as more people started pouring from behind the trees.

"Would you shut your mouth for once." Gary said." Blastoise come on out."

"Sorry but iam not a prescient to know that whatever I say actually happens." Calem said before calling out his chesnaught.

"Flamethrower." One of the grunt commanded his houndoom.
Gary quickly analyzed from where it was coming and commanded blastoise to counter it with water pulse.

"You... you call your men back or there would be only bloodshed." Gary said trying to reason her.

"Are you for real oak, I don't know her but that bitch just rounded us with this grunts for a reason. " calem said finally becoming serious for once.

"Listen Anabel I don't want to hurt you, give us what we want and we will leave. You possible can't think that this arse of grunts would stop us." Gary tried one last time.

"Yes Gary you are right, they could not even abduct your lovely kalos queen. but I can."
Gary turned around, astonished to see a very familiar face, raven hair brown eyes and high check bones those were the features he shared with his younger sibling and that's were the similarities ended as were the younger held an ecstatic look the older always held a melancholy on his face.


Gary stood there speechless, dread surged through him as he once again took in his presence, claded in black and maroon with a sword clasped to his waist, and those eyes... those red eyes were piercing his soul as he stood still.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO SERENA!" Calem yelled as he charged towards red.

"STOP YOU IDIOT!!!"Gary finally spoke grabbing calem by his wrist and pulling him behind.

"This will be quick." Red said plainly before they heard a short guttural sound and saw two red eyes appear behind him with wisps of flames sprouting through its mouth.


🔸️I'm gonna consider you guys still remember who anabel is, from first few chapters, if not let me know ;)


Comments/opinions are more than welcome.

LOVE BE AFRAID~~An Amourshipping Story.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora