CHAPTER 1: Pilot

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Ash's POV

Clang!! The two bells clanged against one another, causing a resonating effect through out the room.

The raven haired stirred from his infamous sleep as intensity of the resonant spread across the room.
Groggily he stuck his hand out from underneath the covers and attempted to find the annoying little thing. he managed to grab it before pulling it under the covers.

"God! Who is it so early in the morning." The raven haired trainer groaned, rubbing his eyes to try and soothe the itching vagus nerve.

It took him few moments to be conscious enough to understand his surroundings. He was sprawled over his bed with his head and right hand popping out from underneath the comforter, holding the black device across its width.

His eyes landed at the top right corner of the device, where the time was displayed—8:45.
Lazily, he unlocked his phone and slid into its logs section, where there were 6 miss calls present.

"Who the hell is it?"

His eyes snapped wide open, noticing the caller ID- DAWN.

"Dawn??" He scratched his cheek absentmindedly while scrolling through the call logs, there were a few missed call around an hour ago. His eyes snapped to the date at the top right corner of his phone and it dawned on him.
"Shoot she is going to kill me." He said, jumping out of bed, and dashing into the washroom.

After 15 minutes or so he gingerly walked out of the bathroom with only a towel draped around him. Looking around the room he saw the idiot device laying by his bed side, Swiftly grabbing it he speed dialed her number, he waited for a couple of beeps before she picked up.

"Ketchum, where the hell are you. I'm waiting for the last 45 min." Her voiced boomed through the speaker.

"Hey-y dawn" Ash replied, with a soft yawn.

"You are still sleeping?" She asked, more like stated.
"Ash are you coming or should I leave" he heard her subtle sigh.

"Wait why are you waiting for me and where?" He jested, as he pulled over a simple white-blue stripped tshirt.

"ARE you serious?" She yelled.

Ash chuckled at her while observing himself in the wide mirror of his closet.
"Nah, just kidding. I will be there in 15 bye" he goofily replied as he walked out of his room.

"Bye" she ended with a soft giggle.


Ash walked through myriad of people in the large concourse of the shopping mall, searching for the blunette, whom he was supposed to meet an hour prior.
' did she leave?' He questioned himself.
'She would be so mad. Damn me.' Muttering under his breath he briskly walked past the crowd.

Searching the filled corridors he finally caught a glimpse of an uncommon shade of blue hair, near one of the spiraling pillars of the tower. A chuckle escaped from him as he saw her, restlessly, tapping her foot over the hard granite.

If he was asked, Her attempt at being disguised was a huge fail, Her blue hair were kept loose open and the shades she wore barely helped her being incognito.

Walking upto her he initially had mind to pull up a prank, but then thought against it. when he was just few yards away from her, she finally noticed him, with a frown on her lips she rolled her eyes before turning around and walking away.

"Shoot." Ash cussed before chasing after her "Dawn, listen please... " He pleaded, chasing after her.
"I was so so so tired last night that..." haltingly her by wrist he turned her around.

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