
"'Maybe'? Lix, that's adorable."

Felix looks up. "You really think so?"

"I know so," Changbin says with a definite nod. "And, to answer the question, I feel quite honored. Felix spent money on a book? And then he read the book? And now—wait, it does feel quite strange to say it—we're dating. And about me being awesome... I mean..." He spreads his hands mock-magnanimously. "Have you met me? I'm the second most awesome person out there. Felix is first, obviously. But I'm second."

Jisung only snorts, putting a hand up to cover his mouth. As if, he thinks, certain that he is definitely the most awesome.

Nina slowly turns her head to look back at Seungmin. "Well, there's one person here who is more awesome than all of you combined. But I'm biased, so I don't think—"

"Wait, me?" Seungmin asks, his face turning red.

"Hey." Hyunjin glares at Nina. "Back off, lady."

Seungmin's head whips around to Hyunjin, bewildered. "Huh?"

"Never mind," Nina says. "Okay, next! Felix, Changbin, we'll return to you boys later. Now, on to the one and only... Han Jisung!"

Applause comes out of nowhere, making the teen in question grin cheekily. "Yes, 'the one and only.'"

Now, not only have Minho and Nina dished out judgmental looks, but Jackson Wang, Seo Changbin, and Bang Chan have, too!

"Yeah, okay. From AllyTheAwesomest, we have a question that all the straights are dying to hear the answer to. Jisung, 'How did you find out you were da big gayyyy'?"

Jisung's mouth falls open as he struggles to collect his thoughts. "I... um, well, I kind of just... I don't know. I looked at girls, and thought, 'Hey, my ding dong isn't perking up.' Then I looked at Chris Hemsworth, and... oh, boy..."

From his condo in a galaxy far, far away, Chris Hemsworth blushes.

"Fascinating," Nina says. "Another question, also for Jisung. Well, technically two, but they're very similar. From multifannedtoomuch: 'How does it feel to be the chaotic matchmaker of the century?' And from Kp0pper101_, we have 'How does it feel to be the most evil yet adorable matchmaker of the century?'"

"Woah, I don't know, actually. You tell me, Nina. Didn't you write th—"

"Moving right along," she says, smoothly transitioning to Minho. "My fellow cat lover, savage-word-spewer, judgmental-look-giver, and time-zone-birthday-twin, Minho!"

Nina receives no reaction from Minho, and her smile falters a bit.

She takes a breath in, calming herself. Remember, Seungmin is watching, Nina. Get a grip. "Right off the bat, jeongins_elbows asks, 'Are you and Jisung...?'"

Many things happen in the span of five seconds.

Jeongin glances at his elbows, saying, "What?" He blushes and self-consciously covers them. "My elbows are interested in Minho's love life?"

Jisung's eyebrows... disappear. Into his hairline, probably. Under the bangs. But, without further investigation, they seem to be gone. "Oh?" he asks, fighting the blush under his skin. Do not betray emotions. Do not betray emotions.

Minho scratches his neck. "Uh—"

"That's disgusting," Kim Yasoo (the female dog) butts in. "Plus, they're already dating. Jisung told me so himself, although Minho denied it moments later." She narrows her eyes. "Wait."

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