Chapter 4

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"Hey PussyBoy..."

I walked slightly faster, wanting to avoid any confrontation with Damion or his minions. I just wanted to go home. It was just a few blocks away from the high school. I could run there... No way those thugs could out run me.. But where was Malachi?

I got too preoccupied. I felt a large calloused hand on my shoulder, spinning me to face him before pushing me down to the ground.

"You hear me fuck face?" He snarled, towering over me.

I cowered and laid down, curling up in a ball. "Please.. I'm sorry... Don't hurt me again." I began to whimper, tears already forming in my eyes.

"Hurt you? Nah. I'm just giving you what you fucking deserve!"

I cringed and waited for the impact of his foot to connect with my already fractured rib, but nothing came. Instead I heard shuffled sounds and a thud.

"What the hell?" I looked up from my position and saw Damion on the ground, holding his jaw. Above him stood a boy with brown hair, about the length of mine. He stood in a relaxed position, all except his fist which was clenched at his side.

"Would you leave the damn kid alone? Your break up happened so long ago. Get the fuck over it."

I gasped softly and hid myself once again. The faces of the football players' faces had disgust written all over them. Judgement clouded their eyes. No one was supposed to know about us. No one. Why did the boy have to go and make it worse? Why couldn't he have just let Damion beat me senseless? It would be so much better than this tortured feeling.

I felt hands slide under my body and pick me up. The boy's strong arms held me to his chest.

"No!" I squealed, the feel of another person's touch making me uneasy. I wriggled from his hold and fell to the ground, scrambling to my feet to see who my kidnapper was. A pair of chocolate brown eyes, softened to a disappointed gaze. They connected to mine.

I gave an agitated huff and stuffed my hands into my jeans, turning to walk away. My eyes followed each step of my worn out sneakers. One in front of the other. All I had to do was follow this pattern until I got home. Then I could curl up in bed and not have any part of the outside world again.


I was almost to my block when I heard a hard footstep behind me and curses to follow it. Turning around, I found Daniel standing, his hand cupped around the back of his neck, a childish grin plastered on his face.

I gave a scowl before looking back to the ground, not wanting to hold his gaze longer than need be.

"Wh-what do you want with me? Why do you keep following me? Why don't you just hurt me and get it over with?"

I heard a woeful sigh. "Rye-Rye. You are a beautiful person."

I looked up at him, looking him square in the face for the first time. Did he just say I was beautiful? What was his problem? Why couldn't he get the hint that I didn't want him around?

With a few strides towards me, he was standing chest to chest with me. I hadn't noticed when we were in the hall way together, but he was fairly built compared to me. I guess everyone was compared to me, but he was also tall too. Probably about 6'3 or so.

His hand glided against my skin, to cup my cheek, his brown eyes melting mine so intensely that I felt myself begin to lean into his strong figure. I noticed one other thing...

I didn't cringe as soon as I felt his touch. I could actually look into his eyes and not feel like I had to look away.

"All I want from you Riley, is to trust in me. Let me help heal the never ending scars...." I had been so busy gazing into his sincere eyes that I hadn't noticed his other hand taking my wrist and pulling up the sleeve to reveal the cuts and scars.

I began to pull back, out of my daze and back into my normal self, but he lifted up his shirt.... The sight making my stomach clench and tighten with an unbearable sadness. Razor marked scars covered his torso and made a trail to the waist line of his pants. There was no doubt that they continued.

His eyes never left his stomach as he spoke softly. "I noticed today how you fingered your sleeve. I use to do that. Back when I did it on my wrists." He looked up, his eyes soft and genuine, though now all I could see was pain. Pain that was hidden from anyone else who didn't know him. He was so happy go lucky, so chippy... I wouldn't have ever guessed that he was... That he was broken.
"D-Daniel..." I couldn't find the words. All I could do was stare blankly at the grey sidewalk, my teeth holding my bottom lip.
"Please. Please call me Danny."

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