Chapter 1

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Author's Note<3

So! This is going to be a little journey for me... kind of nervous. I started a story before hand, but got a new idea. So, I'm going to start this first chapter, and I want to know what you guys think. Give me feedback as I go, little notes I could improve on, what you like or don't like, etc. I'll be trying to update as quick as possible, but in all honesty, I'm a bit of a busy person<3

Hope you guys enjoy!




I whimpered softly as I crawled backwards, away from the monster's bleak gray eyes. The sneer he made... The fowl alcohol on his breath...

A menacing scowl pierced his devious face. His perfect complexion-- one that used to attract me like the moon attracts the wolves-- a perplexed mess. His buddies could be heard in the back ground. Inhumane cackles. They sounded like a large pack of hyenas.

Looked like it too.

A sneer pierced the scowl of the monster. His mouth moved, but I couldn't hear the words. All I heard was Pussy Boy. My body shook. My breathing was laboured. My tongue tasted of blood where I had bitten it too hard. I wish he would just get it over with.

"Hey! Hear me Pussy Boy?"

No. I thought about how much I hated that name he called me as he kicked my side. A heart wrenching crunch sounded as pain scolded my rib cage. A cry called out as I curled into a ball. Little did I realize that the cry came from me.

This earned me another boisterous laughter from the group of football stars. It was amazing how cruel people could be.

The last thing I saw was a fist connecting with the line backer's jaw-- my attacker, before unconsciousness fell over my exhausted body.


"You think he's Pussy Boy?" I heard myself snarl as my fists continued to jab, one after the other into the kid's hard stomach. They worked up into the chest, and I landed a few even on his face. The attempts of stopping the flaming and furious attacks were useless.

"Man, I didn't mean it!" The boy, known as Damion, or Satan's son, cried, putting up his fore arms to shield his not-so-perfect-face.

"Don't... you... ever," - I grunted between each connecting blow - "Touch... My... Baby... Brother... Again!" with a final blow that landed on his nose, Damion fell with a sickening thud to the concrete.

Turning around, I glared at each of the individuals, subconsciously clumped together... as if that would save them from the wrath of my furious attitude.

"Get," I growled, baring my teeth as my bruised hands clenched into tight fists. The supposed to be black and blue knuckles turned white as my nails dug into my palms.

With that, the team backed away, their hands held out in front of them innocently, until all decided to turn and run.

I turned before making sure they were actually leaving the school lot. My first priority was making sure the boy making the grass blades stain red was okay.

Striding over and kneeling down next to him, I put two fingers against his neck. I timed the pulse for a minute, seeing that the normality of eighty beats per minute was occurring.
I slid my arms under the unconscious boy, pulling him up and cradling him against my chest. The boy was light... too light.

I felt myself trembling in anger. How could someone hurt someone so bad for nothing? Someone so innocent. So small. So defenseless.


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