Chapter 6

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You and the others make a dash for the RV and make it just in time to locate a suitable exit through the maze of abandoned cars.

Your adrenaline sky high, everything feels like a blur until the very minute you feel Rosita hold your hand. "Breathe okay?" She says softly. You nod and do as she says. "Those people, they were all dead?" Dale asks. "I'm afraid so. That's what this virus is." You answer. The RV falls silent. "I don't understand. If they eat people when they catch them how did that many become walkers?" Sasha asks. "Maybe there's more to the virus than that. Maybe it makes people sick then transitions them immediately." Patrick offers. "That'd explain their numbers." Tyreese says peering beyond the window.

"So this is it, we're at war with the dead." Sasha says. "The government will contain it all." Dale attempts to convince. Both his guests, and himself. "They've done a pretty shot up job at it so far." Rosita says.

You continue holding her hand and lay your head on her shoulder. She places her arm around you to comfort you.

"Let's head straight to Y/N's house." Dale says. Everyone silently agrees.

When you arrive your house isn't in the condition you left it. It's been looted and some of your less valuable belongings are left thrown across the yard. Your door has been kicked in and an X has been spray painted on it. More than likely signaling it's been looted. You make your way inside nevertheless. The scene brings you to tears.

Everything has been thrown around as if somebody was frantically searching for something. The warm, beautiful home you grew up in has grown cold.

"Let's clean this place up. Nothing goes in the trash unless Y/N says so." Rosita says. Your new friends jump to the task before you can decline their gracious offer. "You don't have to do this. I can do it myself." You say. "You can, but you don't have to." Patrick says offering a smile, box in hand. "Thank you, thank you all." You say.

You join in the effort and reassemble the home. They stole your TV, video games, and computers. Not much else is gone beyond some clothes and shoes. They left mementos and food, that's doing well as the lights are still on.

"I know this place isn't Fort Knox but I want you guys to know you're free to spend the night here or however long you want to stay." You say.

"What about you when we decide to move on?" Sasha asks.

"I can't leave. If my parents come home I need to be here, there isn't anywhere else for me." You answer.

"That could be dangerous leaving you here by yourself. There's no guarantee those sickos who trashed the place won't come back." Tyreese says.

"That's why we need guns." Rosita says.

"Hold on now. We're not shooting anyone over anything." Dale says.

"We have to protect ourselves and I know you know they more than likely have them. Additionally, we need to protect ourselves from walkers." Rosita explains.

"Those Walkers are people too." Dale says.

Rosita shrugs and leaves. You follow her, "I know you." You say. "He wants to play peace keeper but the peace is already gone. I'm not saying we go around shooting people but we need to protect ourselves. Didn't we already talk about walkers and street gangs?" She asks turning back to you.

You sigh, "As much as I'm against using guns we do need them. I'd feel safer if they were in the hands of the good guys." You say.

"Then it's settle. We sneak out with whom ever is willing tonight and load up without father Dale knowing." She replies.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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