Chapter 2

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"Any luck?" Patrick asks eating a candy bar he got from the since empty vending machine. "No. You?" You ask sitting on your bed. "I looked before you got here and unfortunately the answer is also no." He answers. "What school do you go to?" He asks. You tell him your high school and he smiles, "Ah, rivals." He says. You begin to ask him his school when you see a fresh group of people coming in. You stand and scan their faces one by one. Stopping at one. "Oh my god!!!!!" You gasp. You run over and she sees you fairly quickly having scanned herself. "Rosita!!!!" You cry. "Y/N!!!!" She replies. You and her meet halfway and embrace. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you!!" You say. "Same! Where are your parents?" She asks. "I don't know. When I got home from school they weren't there." You answer. "Mine either. Y/N, I think something happened earlier today that we missed." She replies. "Yeah, the biggest outbreak in history." You say. "Have they told you guys anything about it?" She asks. "No, but I've seen it." You answer. "What?!" She asks. You take her by the arm to the area yours and Patrick's bed is in. She sits in the one infront of yours. "Hi!" Patrick greets. "Hi." She replies. "Rosita this is Patrick. Patrick, this is my cousin Rosita." You introduce. "It's nice to meet you Rosita." He greets. "Same." She replies. "So tell me about this infection." She asks leaning in. "I don't know for sure but Gero, my neighbor. He was in my room and he had a knife in his head but he was alive. He was acting like a--------I don't even know. Whatever he had it made him lose all control of himself." You answer. "Undead Virus." Patrick says. "What's that?" Rosita asks. "A few months back they were running tests on mice and something they introduced would bring them back from the dead but they weren't the same. They'd run into walls and act like they didn't have a conscious, the only thing they did was eat other rats." He answers. "And you believe that? Something that can raise the dead?" She asks. "I do." You answer. "It's horrifying to imagine but I saw it with my own eyes. Gero should have been dead but he was alive and he wasn't himself. His eyes were brown and his skin was pale. He was making groaning and gurgling sounds." You say. "And you think that's a small deal? If that's going on we're screwed." Rosita says. "They could contain it." Patrick replies. "They're doing a good job here." He says. "How did you find out about the tests?" You ask. "My dad works for the CDC. It's top secret information but in a time like this I think it's relevant." He answers. "Great. The undead are walking around and they have us in this big ass room with only 4 doors." Rosita says. "Where should we be?" You ask. "The countryside. If it's spread from person to person we don't need to be around other people. What if someone coughs on someone and it spreads?" She asks. "I say we wait here for the place to fill up. If they brought us here then maybe they'll bring our family. Once we're reunited we can leave together." You answer. "They're not letting people leave. I tried with some others and they strictly said we'd have to stay here until they get the clear that it's okay." Patrick replies. "What if it's not today or tomorrow? We could be here for weeks or even months." Rosita says. "Calm down, okay. We're safe and we're being fed and given shelter. That virus isn't getting in here, the whole place is saran wrapped." You reply. She shakes her head and laughs, "You know what. I will calm down, and plot a way out in case that saran wrap doesn't hold up." She says. She gets up leaving her belongings. "Do you think she's right?" Patrick asks. "I don't know. I just know I'd rather be protected than have to rough it out out there on my own." You answer. "I'm personally not comfortable with being held in a cage." He replies. You look to him then around. This shelter is essentially a giant cage. Maybe Rosita is right, if things go south then everyone here will have been exposed to the virus and it's a clear memory of what happened to the woman who did. "I saw them kill a woman who was attacked by one of them. I can't see them allowing us to live if someone in here got infected." You say. "What?!" He asks. "The CDC is local. If this thing came from there and it's threatening humanity as we know it I wouldn't be surprised if they go to extreme lengths to contain it. Rosita is right, we need to consider a way out if things go bad." You answer. "Y/N, they have guns." He reminds. You sigh and get up. He follows, "My folks aren't coming, I know it. We agreed to meet at our fallout shelter if something ever happened like this, it's specific in a sense but it's a decent plan. If you want to get out I don't think it's a bad idea but if you do maybe you could come with me." He offers. "I appreciate the offer but I have to find my parents." You reply. "What if you don't." He asks. "I will." You answer. "I have to." You say, mostly to yourself. Your parents weren't home but they could have easily been taken to a different shelter. They wouldn't skip town without you, would they? 

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