Chapter 5

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"If we follow the interstate it should be too backed up to allow authorities to use it. Still, there could be people out there." Sasha says.
"Interstates also tend to have barriers. We could easily get stuck in miles of walled road." Patrick reminds.
"Smart thinking. Both of you. I say we check things out. It could be our straightest shot to the suburbs." Tyreese replies.
The group silently agrees.
As the walk through the forest continues, in the silence, your stomach growls.
You try to cover it with your arms, Patrick offers a smile.
"I'm hungry too." He says.
"That makes 3 of us." Rosita replies.
"I think we could all go for some food. Maybe some pizza." Sasha says with a small laugh.
"Pineapple or no?" Tyreese asks.
The group almost simultaneously says No.
You laugh together.
"I don't care at this point. Pineapple or not I'd eat almost the whole thing." You say.
"Almost, i'd finish it crust and all." Patrick laughs.
The group halts in place when they hear a ticking sound nearby. A road and something coming down it.
Nearby you see an RV come to a stop.
"We've been spotted." Sasha says tensely.
"Let's hope it's just someone asking for directions." Rosita replies.

A person appears from the opposite side of the RV. An elderly man in a ball cap. He waves and holds up a collection of fresh fish. "Do we go?" Patrick asks.
"He could have driven by." Sasha says.
The group looks to one another and hesitantly approaches the man.
"I got lucky at the lake. Course there's not much else to do with the world ending and all." The man laughs.
"Either way, it takes some skill to catch Mullet this size." Tyreese assures.
"A lifetime of patience is all." The man replies.
"I'm Dale, by the way." He introduces offering his hand.
"Tyreese. This is Sasha, Patrick, Y/N, and Rosita." Tyreese replies shaking his hand. You and the others do the same.
"I saw you had kids with you. That's usually the sign a group is atleast half decent." Dale says.
"I'd like to think so, I've worked with kids my whole life. We're actually trying to get them home." Tyreese explains.
"Well you've got a ride if you want it. The fish is enough to share and there's a bit of room here. All I ask is a simple favor." Dale replies.
"Sure, what do you need?" Sasha asks.
"Just company, that and gas. I was heading toward the interstate hoping to syphon some." Dale answers.
"Easy enough." Tyreese agrees.
The group loads into the RV and Dale entrusts Tyreese and Patrick to prep the fish. The only two that are knowledgeable about the process.
You, Rosita, and Sasha look over a map.
"This interstate is long. But it's manageable on wheels, if we take the emergency lanes up we could actually make some distance." Sasha says. You nod.
You see Rosita thinking about something.
"What do you guys think about trying to gather supplies?" She eventually decides to ask.
"From where?" You ask.
"The cars." She answers.
"We can't break into people's cars." You reply.
"Most of them are probably in shelters and who knows when and if they'll come back for them. I'm sure the street gangs won't hesitate." Rosita replies.
You seek reasoning in her idea. It's hard to stomach stealing the belongings people packed to leave with. Still, you need supplies desperately. Especially if you're going to make camp somewhere.
"Rosita is right. It is stealing, and stealing is wrong. But if we take only what we need it could be the difference between us having it and someone who just wants to steal having it." Sasha agrees.
"I'm in." Tyreese agrees nearby.
Dale hears and offers a nod.

The RV eventually reaches the interstate. Before you are miles of abandoned cars lined back to back. The group descends from the RV and surveys the scene. "Stay low, if anything happens we go back to the RV and haul ass." Dale suggests. Everyone agrees.
You walk along the cars as Tyreese and Dale try to siphon gas. The cars look reminiscent of a car lot. Just miles instead of rows.
You eventually find one with a cooler inside that peaks your interest.
"The fish is good. But a cold drink would pair well." Patrick says appearing at your shoulder.
"Could be beer." You reply.
"Or grape soda." He says.
He pulls the door and as expected, it's locked.
"Why'd they even leave a cooler?" You say peering inside.
Rosita whistles. You see her approaching with a crowbar and step aside.
"A few more steps." She suggests.
You and Patrick step back further.
She breaks the window and reaches inside to unlock the door.
"I thought you'd pry the door." You say.
"I tried that. It doesn't work." She replies. She takes out the cooler and opens it, "Beer." She sighs.
She shows Tyreese and Dale and they gesture for her to bring it over.
She leaves to them and you and Patrick continue looking around.
You find an SUV with an abundance of canned goods in the trunk.
The rows upon rows of food makes your stomach growl at the sight.
You search nearby and find a large rock laying at the edge of the roadway. You take it in hand and in one attempt manage to break a window of the SUV.
You do as Rosita did and climb in to check the car.
The canned goods are all beef stew. Atleast 30 cans. You put them into a fabric grocery bag and begin your journey back to the RV.
Happy to have the food, your mind is at ease at the ability to ward off starvation. But your heart lingers on who may have left them.
Someone had planned to have this food to survive. Now they've gone and left it behind.
You can only hope they're somewhere alright.
As you approach you hear something nearby.
In the corner of your eye you see a group of people slowly approaching from a distance.
In the shock of being caught essentially looting the cars you find yourself staring at them. Your mind saying to return to the others. Your body not obeying.
You're in shock once again. But it's only because you haven't been able to process what you see.

The people are decaying and dragging themselves down the street toward you. Almost 50 people appearing from around the cars.

Your mind and body sync and you let out a scream. The group hears you and looks in the direction you're looking in. They gasp.

Fearless (TWD X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt