Chapter 3

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"They got guards at every exit on the inside. God knows what's outside." Rosita says returning to you. "That's what I expected." You reply. "I say we lay low and watch how they operate. It could take a couple of days and that's if this thing doesn't clear by then." She suggests. "Sounds like the only option." You reply. You and her return to your beds and find Patrick monitoring something. "What's up?" You ask. "That guy over there. He's been coughing up blood." He answers. "Holy shit! How do you know?" Rosita asks looking over to the man. "I saw him open the tissue. Him and what I assume is his daughter are hiding it from the guards." He answers. "He could be infected." You say. "And our ticket to being on the wrong end of those guns." Rosita replies. "Damnit!" She says. "Maybe we'll be alright. We haven't been over there or interacted with him." You suggest. "What if he starts eating people?" She asks. "We should sleep at different times. I know it sounds drastic but the last thing I'd want is to wake up with people eating one another. It could be a domino affect." You suggest. "I could do that." Patrick agrees. "Same." Rosita adds. You look over to the man coughing into a tissue and discarding it into a bag. "I say we move to more lighthearted conversation." Patrick suggests. "No thanks." Rosita says laying down. "Oh, alright then." Patrick agrees. "I'm okay with it." You reply. Giving him your full attention you sit the book you'd been reading aside. He smiles, "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks. "No." You answer shyly. "And I don't have a girlfriend. Isn't that ironic?" He asks. "Are you trying to distract yourself?" You ask. "No, I promise! I thought you were cute when you first came in." He admits coyly. He's a decent looking guy. Definitely someone you'd date, under normal circumstances. "I think you're sweet. But I think we should focus on all of this, for now." You say. "I understand." He replies. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a candy bar, your favorite brand. "In the meantime, do you want to share this?" He asks. "I'd love to." You answer. He gives you half and eats half. The bar is sweet and delicious. A high point for the crappy day you've had. He sees you smiling, "What?" He asks. "It's so weird how big the small things are when all of this is going on." You say. "A simple pleasure." He replies. "True." You agree. You take off your sandals and lay down. "I'm going to take a nap." You say. "Alright." He replies.

You wake up sometime later to Patrick shaking you. "What's wrong?" You ask. "The man had a heart attack!" He whispers. You sit up and see the daughter administering CPR to an elderly man. "Whatever happens, stay together." Rosita warns. You and Patrick nod. The daughter gives up and waves to the guards. They come over and a doctor joins them shortly after. You see them working on the man before giving the signal. With that, he's taken away on a stretcher, a sheet over his body. The guards escort his daughter away shortly after. In the silence of the room you hear screams followed by gunshots. Afterwards, silence. "What was that?!" Rosita asks standing up. She rushes to the doors leading to the hallway outside the room and you and Patrick follow after. "What's going on?" A man asks behind you all. "We don't know." Patrick answers. The man and a woman at his side look with you. Seeing nothing after a while you all return to your beds. The man and woman comes over to you. "Do you all have any idea what's going on, other than those gun shots?" The woman asks. Rosita shrugs, "We're just as confused as you." She says. The woman hesitates but ultimately sighs, "We've been asking everyone here and we've heard everything from aliens to some kind of virus." She says sitting down. "Course we're more apt to believe it is a virus." The man replies. "I'm Tyreese by the way, this is my sister Sasha." He introduces. Patrick shakes his hand, "Patrick. This is Y/N and Rosita." He says with a smile. You and Rosita wave. Tyreese sits beside Sasha and looks around, "I know we all just met but I think it's best we stick together. Others are forming groups and we need our own." He offers. "I don't think 3 teenagers is an ideal addition to a group." Rosita replies. "What he means to say is, he's a youth football coach and he has a group that encourages teens to be more self confident. So, he wants to make sure you guys are okay." Sasha explains. "Oh really?" Patrick asks excited. "All-For-Me. We do weekly bible study, confidence building exercises and creative arts." Tyreese answers. "Sounds positive." You reply. "It is. If all this clears up I'd like you both to come to one of our meetings if you can." He says. You and Patrick agree. "So about this virus. We have some information, but we don't want it getting out." Rosita says. "We'll tell you what we know in exchange." Sasha replies. Rosita nods, "We have a reason to believe this virus reanimates the dead. If that's true then anyone here that dies will become essentially a----" She thinks of a proper name. "Walker." Patrick suggests. "Why Walker?" You ask curiously. "Because they're the walking dead." He answers. 🔥 "Walkers. That's an appropriate name." Tyreese replies. "Now for our end of the bargain. We think the virus spreads through the air but it doesn't affect the living. From what we heard a ghost virus leaked from the CDC a few weeks ago but because it seemed to be completely harmless the news didn't pick up on it." Sasha says. "That lines up with what I've heard." Patrick replies. "As I was telling Rosita and Y/N, my dad works for the CDC and there was a virus that they were studying." He explains. "So this is it. The dead is coming back to life and we're couped up in here with people with who knows what kind of illnesses." Sasha says. "Not even accounting for those gunshots." Rosita replies. "They probably shot him." Patrick says. "They shot that man to stop the virus from activating." He adds. "If he had it and it's airborne we could all have it." Tyreese says.

You all collectively process the possibility.

Everyone could be infected.

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