Chapter 7 - The Imuchakk Tribe Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Hang on," Hina cut in, "I think I've heard of this before. All of the troops that were sent there were annihilated. All but two people, a boy and a girl who had succeeded in capturing the Dungeon."

His shoulders tensed in realization.

"We're them," Ava concluded. "You can't possibly be serious. I refuse to tolerate those who spread false rumors." The leader bellowed, reaching down and grabbing his red spear. Ava retracted her sheath from her belt, holding it up to her face and unsheathing her sword.

It glimmered brightly, shining a light and vivid orange. "Huh!?" Hina and Pipirika both jumped, shocked. The leader simply hummed in curiosity, only moving his eyes as the rest of his body was turned forward. Shadows gathered in the room, becoming darker when something became brighter. Sinbad nearly smiled, but Ava's eyes were glued to her own blade.

"So that is your emblem as a Dungeon Capturer then?" The leader asked. "Yup, that's right," Ava said, attempting not to sound cocky. "It's where the Dungeon's Djinn lives." While saying that Ava sheathed her sword, putting it back on her belt.

She sighed quietly, and jumped in surprise when a bowl appeared in front of her face. "Courage is valued in Imuchakk, and our bravest people revive the greatest honors. I hope you will forgive my rudeness."

Ava smacked her ears together before reaching out to grab the bowl, still uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on her. She smiled at the man in a determined yet soft way before bringing it to her lips and drinking from it.

She kind of felt like the man was lying to gain her trust, annoyingly paranoid that whatever she was drinking was poisoned, but she brushed it aside.

What she nor anybody else in the hut noticed was Hina staring it a jealous and envying at her, an idea forming in his head.

Ava brought the bowl down to rest on her thighs, "It's natural to be vigilant of outsiders, especially when you're the patriarch whose responsible for the entire clan. So I ask you please, don't allow anyone to go near the Dungeon."

"Understood, I trust your word." The leader nodded, and Ava offered him the empty bowl, which he took.

"Brother, have you gotten around to telling her the good news yet?" Pipirika asked, turning to Hina in question while still being as cheery as ever.

"Uh, well not exactly." "Now that you're finally a real adult, you can go and ask -" "Just stop it!" Hina's voice rammed over hers, his voice still somehow gentle and shy. "I can't do that..." "Why not bro? What's wrong?"

Suddenly, shouts sounded from outside, causing the leader to hum curiously. Ava's ears stood upright, and the girl was a second away from jumping up.

Suddenly the leader said, "That's right! Tonight is the Maharagan. Let us celebrate the birth of a warrior and the harvest of the sea!"


Night came quicker than expected, and Ava was exhausted while everyone else cheered and chatted. A couple of small kids came over to pet her ears and tail - gently (besides one prick who she threatened to punch) and people danced.

A few were drinking, but Ava was good. One, she was hella underaged, and two, she probably wouldn't drink in her life. It tasted bad (she knows because her parents let her try champagne and that shit was nasty so no thanks) and honestly, she preferred to be the sober one - to blackmail people :D

Sinbad was being treated by the leader and woman, as well as playing with the children. Ava watched from afar in a quiet corner that barely anyone sat in, either talking quietly to each other or roasting kabobs.

Ava chuckled to herself as she watched Sinbad face. It was pink from the cold, but he managed to pull it off in a cute way. Cute... Ava stopped in the middle of muffling her laugh, a sense of dread immediately bursting in her chest.

Now don't lie to yourself, she... liked looking at his face. Liked flustering him, liked teasing him, got annoyed when he flirted with other woman, and being with him just... The last time Ava fell in love was back home across the sea with this older boy, and well, Ava's chest literally hurt when she was around him.

It was love at first sight, but only for her. He had an age group of people he loved, and probably had a girlfriend, so Ava couldn't help but be bashful. Did he know? If he did, did he enjoy seeing her swoon and turn away quickly any time their eyes locked?

Come to think about it, Ava's chest did kind of flutter when it came to Sinbad, but not in a painful way? The only people Ava's ever even dated were the ones she just knew were attractive, and thought she was attracted to them, but no one could compare to that boy she first fell in love with.

And now, there's Sinbad...


         Ava sighed, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her elbows on them, her gaze drifting from Sinbad to the snow around her. It wasn't snowing, much to the girl's dismay, but it was still snow.

Ava brought her vision to the sky, a part of her wanting to count the stars.

But really, who could count the stars if they sat where she did?

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