~1~ So Close

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Seokjin's POV

     "Seokjin, your father has requested to see you," my body guard tells me. Of course he does.

     I am sitting on my bed covered in silk sheets, staring out of my window wall opposite me. It's funny, how the world seems so small from my cage overlooking it. It seems... harmless and carefree and maybe it is... but what would I know.

     Letting out a heavy sigh, I turn around to my body guard and give him a small smile. "I'll be there in a minute," I say softly and turn towards the window wall again. I can't help but feel my chest clench while looking out at the busy city. How I wish to be one of those carefree people, walking the streets, going along with their simple lives.

     Too bad that's never gonna happen.

     After sparing the view before me one last glance, I stand up and go meet my father. 

     Along the way through the giant mansion I pray that I wont have to face mother along with father in the same room. That never goes well. They don't fight, but it's easier to handle them when they're separated. 

     I finally reach the big double doors leading into fathers office. God I hate this place. Mustering up enough strength, I slowly raise my hand and knock on the doors three times. My body stiffens as the volume of the knocks is a little more than what I wanted to go for. Oh well.

     I stand there for might I say a very long while. I almost up and leave when the doors open with a small creak. I glance inside the room and see father sitting by his massive wooden desk, going through some papers. With a confused expression, I glance at the open door and see fathers assistant standing there, beckoning me to come in with his hand.

     Stepping into the room, I feel very intimidated all of a sudden. I feel my body stiffen even more as my senses are invaded by a very dominant aura. The thick scent of fathers alpha dominance is almost suffocating making me go weak in the knees. 

     I hate the effect alphas have on me and especially the dominant ones. My father being one of them makes it very hard for me to connect with him or even be around him. When I was small, it wasn't that noticeable for me since I didn't go through puberty yet. Now that I have though, I'm slowly growing apart from my parents. Not that I mind much. They were never really there for me anyway.

     He keeps reading his papers like he doesn't know I entered the room a minute ago. For the record, I know he knows I entered the room. He does this every time and I never built up the guts to ask him why. Getting a little irritated by his little stunt, I cough slightly to get his attention. I swear if he doesn't react I will turn on my heel and walk out the door.

     He finally drops his pretended focus from his papers and looks up at me, putting the papers down, intertwining his fingers and setting his hands down on the desk. 

     I almost choke on my own saliva when his gaze locks with mine. Fuck my omega sense! I feel my knees buckle under me and my head slightly lower in a sign of submission. I mentally scold myself and push down my omega senses, regaining a strait posture once more. I even think about giving father a glare, but decide against it for obvious reasons.

     He gives me a smirk and leans back in his chair. The worst thing about my situation is that father knows about the effect he has on me and he relishes it too much.

     "Father," I state more as a greeting than a question. He gives me a nod of his head, but keeps staring me down. His gaze searches me up and down my body in an almost predator way. I know he won't try anything sexual or anything that would make me overly uncomfortable, but I can't help but feel my stomach churn at the look he's giving me.

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