"Yeah. Everything is fine. I called you to ask..." She took a deep breath. "When will you ask the priest to find out the best date for our wedding?" She finally asked.

Kunal, who was lazily sulking on his bed, stood up immediately. He couldn't believe his ears. Vidhushi was voluntarily asking for the wedding date! She had herself brought the topic when she clearly ran away from it.

She could hear the shuffling and knew that he must be thinking that she was playing with him. But, this was necessary. She wanted him to believe that she was seriously into the marriage.

"Are you asking me to... Do you want me to ask the priest?" He asked, his voice turning softer than usual.

"Yeah. I mean, I will have to make the necessary arrangements for that. I need to buy a dress and jewellery for mumma and me." She said.

"Are you alright, Vidhushi? Because you have always fought with me over our wedding!" He asked, still not believing his ears

She faked a chuckle.

"I know. But, I also know that our wedding is going to happen someday or the other. So, I wanted to be prepared for it. After all, I am the only daughter of my mother. So, I want it to be memorable for her. Why! Don't you want me to take any interest in our own wedding?" She asked.

"No! It's not like that. I just...can't believe such words coming from you. I will ask the priest first thing in the morning to set a date for the wedding. Okay?"

"Yes. I thought you would have done that already!" She asked.

"I didn't want to scare you off." He laughed.

"Okay then. Do tell me what the priest says and I will start searching for my dress accordingly." She said.

"Don't worry about your or your mother's dress and other things. I will take care of all that. Just be happy, that's all I want from you." He said.

He wanted that...But he was the only one who was the barrier to it.

"That's a little cheesy, don't you think!" She laughed.

"But that's the truth. Your happiness is what matters to me." He said.

But only she knew the truth. For Kunal, only his happiness mattered.

"Okay then! I guess I must find ways of happiness, now that my future husband wants it!" She exclaimed sarcastically.

"Of course!" He smiled back.

After a short pause, he spoke.

"Vidhu, you have made me so happy today! I always thought that you would develop second thoughts over our marriage and try to break it off. But, I am so happy to see that you are as involved in it as I am." He said. She didn't want to burst the bubble of lies, so she simply nodded.

"Now that I have few months of bachelorette life left, I better make the best of it." She told him as a joke.

"Indeed. You should. Do whatever you want to. I am always with you." He said.

Talking for a little while more, she hung up.

Her brain started overthinking again.

She analysed their future marriage. She didn't have any problem with marrying Kunal-her childhood friend.

But she definitely had a problem getting married to a criminal cum murderer-also her childhood friend, ironically.

The conversation stressed her more but one thing came out to be good from it.

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