Chapter 37

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Advith smiled forcibly at his father's comment as he talked something about a family member to Advith's fiance's family. Everyone had gathered for a family dinner to celebrate Advith and Devika's engagement. He looked back at his food and ate the rice with distaste.

"Advith, would you like to show me the garden?" Devika asked. However, before Advith could deny or accept, his father interrupted.

"Of course, Devika! Advith would definitely go." In response, Advith merely smiled and nodded to Devika.

When they were out in the garden, strolling slowly, Devika initiated the conversation.

"You know what I like the most about you?" She asked. In the past three months, he had realized that she was a very bold and confident girl...a trait that he very much appreciated in every woman. She was straightforward with her thoughts and didn't hesitate to put her mind upfront.

"What?" He asked in a gentle tone as he continued to look forward.

"Your shyness." She answered giving him a brief glance.

He chuckled as he finally looked at her.

"Am I shy?" He confirmed.

"You least in front of me. You are confident in business matters but when it comes to women, you just...shy away!" She smiled.

Advith sighed and thought over it a bit.

"It's not like that. It's..." He didn't know how to continue.

"It's about Vidhushi, right?" She asked which stilled him at the place. He turned around to face her completely.

"How do you know about her?" He asked with narrowed brows.

Devika smiled before continuing.

"You have mistakenly referred me by her name at least 5 times in the past." She smiled.

Advith took a sharp breath. He didn't remember he did that!

"You love her?" She asked.

"If you knew about her, then why did you never ask before?" He asked in return.

"I thought you would tell me someday yourself...when you would be comfortable. Love is a tricky affair, I know." She answered.

"Devika, I am really sorry! I never realized that I should talk about her with you. And, yes, I love her."

"Then why did you say yes to the engagement?" She asked very calmly.

"It's...very complicated."

"Is it about the caste? I know that your father is very particular about these things." She concluded that it might not be about the religion as 'Vidhushi' was a Hindu name.

"Yes. But, there are many other obstacles. She is married." He said with a sad chuckle.

"What?" Her surprise was clear.

He chuckled. "I know! It's complicated."

"You love a married woman?"

"She married after we fell in love."

"Do you still love her? Because, if that is the case, then we should cancel this engagement right away." She suggested.

"You are a good girl, Devika. As much as I want to live my entire life with her, I can't. Plus, my parents would not let me live without marriage. So, for the sake of my mother's happiness, I said yes to this union. If you are uncomfortable with what is in my heart, then you may please break off the engagement. But, I can assure you that, if we get married, I will be loyal to you." He said with a smile. This was getting messy.

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