We all are sprinting to a dead end and then suddenly I make out a face.

I freeze completely.

It's him.

He stares right back at me and smiles. A devilish smile that would make you just want to back into a corner and hide.

"BROOKE! RUN!" I hear Jackson yell.

He is still staring at me.

I start to tremble.

No no no. Please, go away.

He smiles again and holds the gun up. The Rebel ribbon hanging on his guard jacket.

He releases the trigger.

A body clashes in to mine and we both tumble to the floor.

"JACKSON!" I cry shaking his shoulder.

He flinched but then quickly recovers. He quickly stands up and on one swift movement, picks me up and holds me to his chest. He starts running and I hold him tighter.

I suddenly gasp. "Jackson! Your bleeding!"

"I-I'm fine." He says stuttering.

A drop of sweat slides down his temple but he still keeps a steady sprinting pace.

The blood from his shoulder is dripping rapidly of falling on my cream colored dress. I put my hand to his shoulder and he flinches.

"Sorry!" I quickly remove my hand.

We reach a dead end and Jackson presses a hidden button and the wall flies open. He steps inside, still holding me, and the door shuts closed.

He gently drops me and sits on a twin sized bed. The room was small, it had the bed, a sink, a toilet, and a closet which I was guessing was full if supplies.

There was a light hanging above us, I turned it on and I could see Jackson in pure agony.

"Oh Jackson!" I say running to him.

"I-I'm fine, really." He pants.

"We have to clean you!" I say taking off his suit coat. He grimaces and I try again more gently.

His white button up shirt was wrinkled and where his shoulder was, was soaked in blood.

I start to unbutton his shirt and he helps me.

I hitch in a breath.

Oh my gosh.

His chest was absolutely perfect... It was the epitome of perfect chests.

I slid his shirt down carefully, it slightly stuck to his skin because of the sweat and blood.

I stand up and take the shirt to the sink and let the water run. I squeeze the shirt and the pink water drips through.

I turn to the closet and I see Jackson staring at me. I blush and walk to the closet. I open it to find emergency kits, food, water, and even a few changes of clothes. I grab an Emergency Kit and walk to Jackson. I sit down next to him and inspect the wound.

I give a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness. You were only grazed by the bullet. But I am warning you it is going to hurt."

He nods and gives me a painful smile.

I open the Kit and take out alcohol, 2 small towels, and wrap around bandages

"Here," I say handing him a towel. "Bite this when it stings."

He nods and takes the towel then places it in his mouth.

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