Chapter 20

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I slumped into my bedroom, not even bothering to wipe away the tears. Which I immediately regretted once I saw Amber, Veronica, and Melody.

"Miss!?" They all said in unison.

"Are you alright?" Amber asked as they all embraced me.

I just sobbed into they're shoulders.

"We are so sorry about your grandmother. We all understand how hard it is loosing someone you love." Veronica said stroking my curls. I didn't want to lie to them. They have done extraordinary things for me and it's hard enough having to live the lie. Both my grandmother's are still very much alive and I don't know what would happen if someone dug deeper into what really happened. I didn't want to keep it in.

So I told them everything that happened this past week. Every last detail. By the time I finished, their jaws were touching the floor.

"Please don't tell anyone. I beg you." I said wiping the remaining tears.

"Of course miss! We wouldn't dream of it! Your secrets are safe with us." Amber said and Veronica and Melody nodded. They placed their hands in mine. "We care for you miss and we hate to see you get hurt." Veronica said.

"Anything we can do, we'll do our best to help." Amber said.

"Thank you. Your all so kind. I just want to forget everything about the Selection and... Him." I said looking at the immaculate marble floor.

"Actually, there might be something we can do." Melody said peeking up.

She glanced at Amber and Veronica. "What if she spent the day with us? A maid for a day?"

"Hmm. We could try it, we would have to be careful though. Who knows what would happen if we we're caught." Amber said warming up to the idea.

"It would be tons of fun! What do you say miss?" Veronica asked me.

I nodded and gave them a small smile.


As we entered the bedroom the first thing I realized how small it was. My closet was triple this size. There were two beds placed on the opposite side of the walls with a dresser, bed side table, and small desk.

"This is Melody's and Veronica's room." Amber said as we walked deeper into the room.

"I think you would be my size. Let me find you a spare uniform." Melody muttered  walking into her tiny closet.

Each side was decorated with its own personality. One side had gorgeous art work.

"Who made these?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Those are mine." Melody said as she handed me a black and white uniform with a cap.

"There beautiful. I didn't know you could draw."

She shrugged. "There not that great."

"I beg to differ. Your very talented. I draw a bit too. We should do it together sometime." I said with a smile.

Melody blushed and smiled. "That would be an honor miss."

I slipped on the uniform dress and it fit rather nice. I looked into the full body mirror and realized how truly awful I looked. I looked much slimmer. When was the last time I ate? And my face was a blotchy mess from crying. And my eyes. My eyes looked truly depressed and heartbroken.

Veronica patted me gingerly on my back. So softly as if I would shatter into a million pieces of sorrow.

Kind of like how Jackson used to touch me.

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