Chapter 27

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Some girls immediately started to sob. Others were silent. Staring off into the distance. The girls who were chosen looked happy and content. Especially Jessica. She was smirking and I think I heard her say, "better luck next time ladies. Oh wait. This is a one time offer. Bummer." Future Princess material right there folks.

But me? I was just in shock. What was the point of choosing the Elite if he had already chosen the one he wanted to be with. He told Madeline he loved her. The competition should have ended right then and there. It is over. Why bother getting all these girls  hopes up? Why bother sweeping them off their feet if they're just going to end up falling? Maybe it's for show. Maybe six months is too soon for the kingdom to have found their princess.

How can one even fall in love in 6 months? It just seems far too insane. Does any of us even know what love is? If he truly loved Madeline, why make throw into all these obstacles and play with all these girls hearts? Well I've had enough. I will not let him play with my heart any longer. I'm done. I'm telling him to send me home. He can't force me to stay. He can give all these girls hope, he can make them believe that he loved them. But not me. I am going to confront him and force him to send me home.


"I can't believe we've made it this far! Madeline squealed. She was packing up her clothing and moving into the same hallway I was in. We're going to be right across from each other. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'd be the next to go. She'll find out anyway. Her and Jackson most likely spend the nights talking and doing other things I can't think about.

Even though I have vowed to never fall for him again, I can't stop thinking about him. His stupid amazing smile that I adore. His eyes that always have a sparkle in them. His lips... NO.

"Yeah! This really has been a crazy 6 months." I said while playing with one of my curls.

"Right? I honestly can't believe any of it. This palace. Meeting you. And of course, meeting him."

The way she talks about him... It was like her whole world was him. Like nothing else mattered. Like if it came down to her having to choose between herself and him, it would be a no brainer who she would choose. If only she knew he hard to make me feel this way. If he broke her heart like he broke mine... No. He didn't break my heart. It's not broken. It just feels like it's been ripped and torn and thrown on the floor. But who cares. Madeline deserves to be happy. She's a better person then I'll ever be. She actually strives to be good. I gave up a long time ago. It just hurts. But I'll ignore the pain. It won't fade, buy eventually I'll get used to it. Ugh! Why does a guy have such control over my life? Well he is a prince... And a good looking one at that.

I smiled at her, but I honestly just couldn't take this anymore. I was going to tell him to send me home later tonight. I can't stand this. Maybe if I was home and surrounded by childhood memories and thousands of miles of way from him, I'd be able to stomach it. But not here. Not when I can literally run into him any moment of any day. Not when I'm forced to see him. Not when I'm literally in his home.

"I have to go." I said, standing up and brushing my dress off. "The maids and I had plans to clean out my closet." Reasonable excuse.

"Oh, okay. Have fun!" Madeline said as she pulled a dress out of her closet.

I just wanted to be alone. Hopefully my maids are out making a new dress for the report or something. It seems like the perfect time to just curl up in a robe and read a good book. Maybe even-

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor. I ran head smack into someone. I looked to see who I offended with my balance  issues.

She was beautiful. I've seen her around in the woman's room, reading a book or eating at the dinner table. We've never spoken. Maybe exchanged small smiles here and there. She had long gorgeous black hair that flowed around her petite shoulders. She had a beautiful doll Asian face of lovely almond shaped eyes and full pink lips.

"I'm so sorry! Completely my fault!" She said as she got back on her feet.

I laughed and got back on mine as well. "No believe me, it was all me. I have the worse balance issues."

"Brooke, right? One of the Elite?"

"Yeah. You're Hannah, right?" I took a wild guess at that one. I'm terrible at names.

"Yep! I honestly can't believe we made it! We must be pretty special."

I laughed, "oh yes. For sure. We really sure talk more often."

"We're going to have to, since the palace will be so empty from now on."

"Well I was just about to go and take a nice hot bath, but it was nice meeting you!" 

"You too!"

I started to walk to my hallway, making sure I didn't run into a servant next. Hannah seemed nice. It was too bad this was the last time I would see her.


I pulled a robe on and lay on my silky bed. I requested to be left alone and have dinner in my room. It just seemed like dinner would be rather awkward with only 6 girls left. And I just couldn't see him. I had to gather my courage to tell him to send me home. 

I pulled out The Great Gatsby and started to read, what a tragic tale. I got to page 30 when I heard a knock on my door. Finally, dinner. I was starved.

I opened the door, only to find myself met with those blue eyes that haunted my dreams.

"We need to talk." Jackson said, holding my dinner in hand.

Ahhhh! Okay. I know I'm always apologizing for posting so late but I really am sorry! I love you guys and I honestly wouldn't be anything without you. I can't thank you enough for sticking with my bi polar posts. I'm also currently writing the Jackson chapter. But it's going to be awfully long so I decided to just post this chapter first. Give you guys some Brookson. Now that summer is coming up, I'm determined to write and write. I'll be traveling to Mexico for 3 weeks so hopefully in my spare time, I can write till I drop! I'm also currently fixing my first chapters because there were just so many errors and it makes me cringe. So my hope is to get it all done by Summer. I have 7 more school days! I get out June 8th. I know, it's late. When do you all get out?

Stay BeaUtiful

❤  Ashley

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