Chapter 3

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The past 2 weeks have been chaotic for the rest of my family, except me.

I wrote 3 new songs, drew 4 portraits, and read 2 books.

Wow. I really need to get a life.

"The Report is starting!" I hear my older brother David, call out.

I slowly and clumsily walked to our living room, where the whole family is.

I sit between the 8 year old twins Jeremy and Edward and smiled at my younger sister Kimmy who is 15.

"Hello Illea!" Gavril said in a mellifluous voice. The crowd cheered and King Maxon and Queen America were clapping as well.

"This is your host, Gavril!" More applause.

"Tonight is a special night, a night Illea has been waiting for almost 20 years! Tonight we will be finding out who will be selected for our beloved Prince Jackson!"

The camera moved over to show Jackson. He was sitting in a proper stiff position. I frowned. Sure he was good looking but probably not my type. Sure, he was amazingly good looking. But it's all about personality. He was probably just molded to be the perfect prince. He was a reflection of his father but with a glimpse of his mother. His blonde hair resembled King Maxons and his blue eyes came from Queen America. We probably had polar opposite personalities. But then again, why should I care? I'm not even going to get selected and here I am rambling on how good looking the prince is.

"Prince Jackson, are you excited to see the selected tonight?" Gavril asked.

Jackson looked surprise to be asked a question. He was handed a microphone and grinned-and what do you know? He had perfect teeth.

"Well Gavril, I am excited to finally see the selected. It has been a grueling wait to find out whom out of these 35 lovely ladies will be my future wife." Jackson said with a perfect smile.

Of course. He had to have perfect grammar and complicated vocabulary words. Too good for me.

"Well then, let's stop you from the wait! Prince Jackson, citizens of Illea. This is our next selected group."

It put Jackson's face at the top right corner to show his reactions to the girls.

I sighed, this is going to take a while. And I am definitely not a patient person.

"First we have from the province of York, Amy Noon!" It showed a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Next we have from Caroline, Madeline Ager!" It showed a girl with curly blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

It kept going on and I was starting to get bored. I started to study Prince Jackson's face. He looked really nervous. And I honestly don't blame him. What kind of girl is he looking for any way? Does he care about looks or personality? I wonder if-

"From the province of St. George, Brooke Everdeen!" My neck abruptly turned to my face on the television. My smile was absolutely radiant and my eyes showed pure joy. Shoot. Who knew hangry looked good on me.

I couldn't move. I couldn't hear anything. The only thing I see is a smile on Jackson's face.

My family are screaming in my ear when I come back to reality.

"YOU WON!!!" I hear my mother scream.

I'm still not moving. Why am I not moving? This is all happening so fast.

I could hear knocking on the front door-well more like pounding actually.

The phone is ringing like crazy.

"Brooke! You're in the selection!" David yelled at me.

This is not what I wanted.

I did not want to be selected.

Hello Dears! The next chapter will be exciting I promise! I hope you enjoyed!
Stay tuned!

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