Chapter 5

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I flipped my pillow over.


This was all happening to fast.

I felt my curly locks slide against my cheek. I washed my hair and didn't realize it would turn curly again. Oops.

I started to get aggravated. These pillows are too soft, this bed too comfortable, the room temperature was far too perfect. What happened to wrestling my siblings for the cozy warm blanket? Or trying to keep warm during the cold nights by snuggling next to each other? It just didn't seem right that I'm here, being drowned in luxuries as they are cold in the tiny 3 bedroom house.

I need to get out of here.

I jumped out of my bed and ran out of my room.

But running was an understatement. I was doing a full on sprint.

I could feel my hair flying every where and tears in my eyes.

I don't want this.

I need to get out of here.

I ran for 10 minutes before I started to get tired.

I plopped against a wall and slid down.

I had no idea where I was but I could care less.

I started to cry. These tears meant so many different things. I remember thinking I would never be here. I remember laughing at myself for thinking I even had a chance.

Why was fate testing me now?

There are millions of girls who would sell their souls to be here and what do you know? I'm here.

I cried into my bare arm even more.

"Are you alright darling?" I here a male voice say.

I don't look up. I already know it's a guard.

"Leave me alone!" I say through my arm.

"I'm sorry?" He says, concern filling his voice.

I roll my eyes.

"Didn't you hear me? Go away! I want to be alone!" I say aggravated.

I could feel him crouch beside me.

I looked up and let out a small gasp.

Before me was a 19 year old male. An amazingly good looking male who had a too stiff posture. He had absolutely gorgeous blue eyes that were filled with concern. His honey colored blonde hair was a little messy, but yet perfect. He was in a crisp grey suit with a blue tie.

His arms... oh his arms... looked really strong.

Cut it out Brooke.

I just got even more aggravated of how perfect he was.

I looked at him awfully.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I snap.

He looked taken back.

"I could hear you crying from my room." He says in a mellifluous tone. He glanced up at the door right beside me.

How did I get to the third floor? How did.I not get caught by any of the guards?

Brooke, your taking horribly to the Prince of Illea. My angelic side of me said.

Screw it. He's the reason why your here in the first place! My devilish side said.

"Are you lost?" He asked.

What do I say? Should I lie?

"Umm I didn't see where I was going... Your highness." I said not meeting his eye.

He gave me a warm and comforting smile. "That's alright. Would you like me to escort you to your room?" He asked.

How can I say no? You can't reject the prince after you've yelled at him.

I shrugged. "Ok."

He stood up gracefully and and held his hand out to me.

I warily took it.

His hand felt soft but firm.

I looked up at his face to find him studying mine.

He took his thumb from his left hand and wiped the remaining tears from my face. He did it with such delicacy and tenderness as if I would shatter at any moment.

I blushed and was tempted to smack his hand away, but I only looked down.

I looked back up to find him smiling.

"My room is in the end of the 4th hallway," I say.

"Ok." He says.

We started walking and it was the most akward thing I have ever done.

Reason #1: I was technically half naked in my thin nightgown.

Reason #2: It was dark and the only thing I could see Jackson's shoes illuminated by the moon.

Reason #3: I was walking with the prince alone in his castle.

"So," Jackson said trying to start up conversation. "How are you enjoying the palace?"

"It's fine." I say with a grunt at the end.

"Is there something wrong with your room?" He asked worried.

"No, it's uh.... Complicated..." I said still looking at his shoes.

"Alright then." He said as we walked down the grand stair case to the 2nd floor.

To be honest I was a little shocked. He actually respected my privacy? Does he even know he could command me to tell him stuff?

We finally reached my door and there was still akwardness I'm the air.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name " Jackson said with tender eyes.

"Brooke, Brooke Everdeen." I say, letting out a small smile.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Brooke. Sleep with the angels tonight." He said with a smile.

I smiled back and turned to my door before he grabbed my hand suddenly.

I turned to face him and he put my hand to his lips and kissed it with care.

"Goodnight darling Brooke."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Goodnight Prince Jackson."

He smiled. And that was the last thing I saw before I closed my door.

I turned to my bed and sighed.

What in the world was I feeling?

It was like a warm blanket that had just come out of the dryer and was wrapped around my heart.

No Brooke, stop. You are not even going to be here for that long anyway.

I have made it clear for myself.

I will not fall for him.

Hey Guys! Sorry it took me a while! I wanted to make it really good! I'll try to update ASAP! Stay tooned!

<3 Ashley

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