Chapter 24

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"Did you hear all that crying earlier today?" Madeline asked as we walked to the Woman's Room.

I shook my head. I was still in a daze after the encounter with Jackson last night.

"It was awful. She was practically screaming. Saying something how "it was all over. Kinda creepy if you ask me."

"That is really strange." I said playing with my necklace.

We entered the woman's room to find everyone in small voices. That's when I realized that Queen America was in the room. We curtsied to her and she nodded and smiled back. I could see some of the selected kissing up to her.

We sat by Vanessa, she seemed upset.

"Are you alright, Vanessa?" I asked with concern.

She looked at us with tears in her eyes. "Janette was sent home!"

I suddenly Madeline mentioning that she heard crying and screaming.

Vanessa and Janette were really close, like Madeline and I.

"I'm so sorry!" Madeline said and I nodded.

"He sent her home with no reason at all! Just told her to pack her bags and go home! She thought she was getting ahead in the competition! How can Jackson be that shallow?" Vanessa muttered with anger and sadness.

Oh no, Jackson.

I felt a bit protective over him but I can see where Vanessa was coming from. If Jackson sent home Madeline then I would be angry.

So much for giving the other girls a chance. I thought grimly but then surprised myself when a warm, fuzzy feeling overwhelmed my chest. He was really trying to prove that he wanted an us... Did I want an us as well?


I walked up the grand staircase only to run into Jackson. Gosh he looked good.

"Hello." He said with that crooked smile.

"Hey." I said trying not to sound excited but failed miserably.

"I was actually looking for you, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night." He admitted sheepishly. "There was a bit of alcohol in my system and I was saying... And doing some interesting stuff. But I was wondering if you would like to go on a date now. I have some spare time."

I felt a warm feeling spread, he would use his free time on me?

"No worries. It happens and okay! What would you like to do?" I asked as we reached the last step to the 2nd floor.

"Anything you want, as long as it's in the palace grounds."

"Awe, so no adventures in the forest?" I asked playfully.

He laughed. "I'm afraid not today."

I thought for a second. What did I want to do? I was lazy to do any physical activity. I just ate lunch...

But then again, there was something I've been curious abiut my whole life.

"I actually have a random question." I said as we walked the halls randomly.

"Do share."

"I've been curious ever since I was a little girl, and you probably have the best answers, being the Prince and all. I've always wondered what Cinderella was?"

Jackson had a blank face then burst out laughing.

Oof, that dumb of a question huh?

"I'm sorry," he said probably seeing how hurt I was. "Cinderella is a fairytale. Pretty sketchy if you ask me. But, if you want to know that bad, I can show you?" He offered.

I brightened up. "Pleaseeee?"

He laughed. "Alright. Follow me."

We walked to the third floor and reached a painting of a forest.

"Is this the inspiration for the story?"I asked.

He shook his head, "just wait and see." He said playfully.

He put his hand behind the painting and opened a latch. The painting sprung open to reveal a metal door. He punched some numbers into a key pad and the door clicked open.

"After you." Jackson said with a mischievous grin.

I rolled my eyes and stepped in. I could hear Jackson step in after me then click the door shut.

I gasped at what was before my eyes. There were books. Everywhere. Leather bound, paper pack, hard cover. Some of them were yellowed from age or had crinkled pages. Others were in perfect condition. Some had a red price of fabric on them, covering the spine. The room was elegant, but not as elegant as the woman's room. Red carpet, a golden tint, and a huge gold chandelier. Under the gold chandelier, was a desk with an odd monitor with a pad with word buttons on it.

"I thought that maybe you'd enjoy this." I heard Jackson say with a chuckle.

"Enjoy it? I absolutely love it. I don't know where to start." I said, walking over to the nearest book case. I grabbed the first book that attractive me. I plain, brown, hard bound book. It had one of those red ribbons on the the spine.

"That was one of Gregory Illèa's journals." Jackson said as he was typing something into the mini TV.

"Really?" I asked, caressing the delicate pages. "What are the red ribbons for?"

"They indicate that the book is a banned book. Meaning that it is most likely the last copy is existence." I quickly put the book down, not trusting myself with something so priceless.

"Ok, 3rd shelf, 2nd shelf down, 2nd to to the right." Jackson said, reading words off the screen.

He walked over to the 3rd shelf and followed the directions. He picked up an old, large, and leather book. It had gold cursive that spelled out Cinderella. It had a golden shoe towards the bottom of the book.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, stroking the cover.

Jackson opened the book. "Once upon a time-"

"That's so cheesy." I said giggling.

Jackson chuckled and kept reading. "There was once a happy girl, who lived with her kinda and beautiful mother and father."

I listened with intensity as Jackson read the story of this Cinderella. Her story is quite sad at the beginning, her mother dying and having an evil stepmother and stepsisters. But hey "Happily Ever After" was beautiful. She got the prince and escaped her abusive step mother and stepsisters. Jackson was such a good story teller that it amazes me. He knew exactly on what parts to make it intense and frightening.

I know that he would be an amazing story teller to our children one day.



I can't even begin to express how sorry I am. Sorry that this is a short chapter as well. But I have great things planned. And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 30K I'M HONESTLY SPEECHLESS. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH. Currently working on Jackson's POV so that should be out soon. And I have a ton of free time now the bus after school to write so that's good. If you guys are into a more modern story then check out my sorta new story "Behind The Smile." I'd really appreciate it!

Follow me on Instagram: selection_is_life

Have a good night! IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY!!!

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