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One week after being in the hospital, Marinette had finally been released and was returning home. She'd suffered bruising to her rips and her leg was going to be in a cast for a couple more weeks. After her concussion she couldn't remember much about what happened. Doctors claim she was found just outside the hospital by the ambulance bays, with no sign of who dropped her off. Marinette's parents came to pick her up along with Alya who had been in to see her everyday.

"You're crazy girl" Alya joked as she hugged her best friend. 

Once Marinette was comfortably tucked in bed, Alya said her parting words and left for the night. Tikki snuggled up on Marinette's pillow glad to have her home safe and sound. As Marinette drifted off, there was a tapping at the window. A blonde haired boy hung upside-down with black cat ears and a black face mask obscuring his identity. She shuffled across the room to the window and let the kitty in. 

"Thanks Princess." he said, charmed by her actions. 

"I wanted to say thank you for saving me." he leaned over and kissed her by the hand.

Marinette blushed until she feared the worst. "Is Adrien ok?" she demanded.

Chat Noir was puzzled. 'Does she not remember' Adrian thought to himself. he told her he was fine and resting at home just like she was. Relieved, Marinette proceeded to invite him to take a seat. He obliged and perched upon her lounge. Cookies and milk rest on the table- originally meant for a sick Marinette- were now being shared between the pair. 

"So you don't remember anything?" Chat Noir asked, tying not to bring on any trauma. 

"Nope." Marinette peeped "the last thing I remember was..." 

The last thing she remembered was that night on the roof with Chat Noir, but obviously she couldn't tell him that. His sparkling eyes stared longingly at her as she tried to come up with a half decent truth. Instead she said it was a night in bed at home. Chat Noir leaned in closer. She gave a nervous smile while she began to sweat, worried he may be into her.

"Let's get you to bed Princess." Chat Noir purred as he lightly kissed her forehead. 

Tikki hid behind the pillow, out of sight, as Marinette claimed in bed. Chat Noir grabbed the covers and wrapped them around her limp body. 

"Goodnight Cat Noir" Marinette spoke softly as he leapt through the open window. 

"Goodnight... my lady"

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