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"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir bellowed at the top of his lungs. He pounced roof top to roof top ensuring not to accidently use his destructive power radiating from his right hand on the wrong object. Finally, with one last leap, Chat Noir clutched onto the Akumitized item. As the dust fell in between Chat Noir's fingers onto the sun stained tiles below a, purple, soul-retching Akuma fluttered into the air. Ladybug, as if on que, arrived just in time to catch the little Akuma before it got away. 

After releasing the elegant, milk-white, butterfly, Ladybug declared the classic line she always said to return everything back to normal. "Miraculous Ladybug!"  she chimed as she proceeded to toss her yo-yo into the air for it to glitter the sky with hundreds of ladybugs. Once everything was back to how it was meant to be, Ladybug and Cat Noir hurried over to the civilian who had been akumatized to check if they were alright. Crumpled upon the floor, the civilian began to awake from their abduction. Ladybug and Chat Noir each offered a hand to assist the gentleman. Once it was clear the civilian was back to full health, the duo sent them on their way home. 

Dangling her legs over the edge of the building, Ladybug gazed off into the distance- towards the Eiffel Tower. Directly behind the obstruction an orange ball of fire began to lower, saying goodnight after another day's hard work. Chat Noir approached behind (careful not to disrupt his lady's concentration) and perched upon the concrete architecture carefully hand crafted in order to exaggerate the building's otherwise dull appearance. There the two miraculous holders sat in silence, waiting for any twist of fate to brake this awkward situation. Things between the two were... tense- to say the least. 

It was no secret Chat Noir was deeply in love with Ladybug. It was also no secret the Ladybug did not share the same passion towards Chat Noir. Today, however, events took place that would open a window Ladybug never wanted to be opened for the fear that it could really confuse things between the crime fighting duo. Chat Noir rose to his feet, simultaneously clasping his lady's feminine forearm. He took her to the side where he held her hands tight in-between his and looked deep into her ocean blue eyes- almost drowning in the waves. Ladybug's heart began to beat faster and faster each second. She wasn't sure if she could do this. She didn't know if she wanted to do this... Chat Noir was always there for her (there was no doubt about that) but she wasn't sure if she could just give up on Adrien. Sure Chat Noir was charming, heroic, protective and even shared similar physical attributes such as scruffy blonde hair and forest green eyes, but he wasn't Adrien.

"Look Kitty..." Ladybug started hesitantly, "About what happened earlier," 

Chat Noir began to move his right hand towards Ladybug's cheek. She instinctively went to grab it, but it changed into a gentle placement of her hand on top of his... on her cheek. The feel of his black leather suit against her bare skin felt soft- although it was unclear whether that was due to the material itself or Chat Noir's elegant touch. Clearly things were getting out of hand. She knew she had to say something before things went too far to come back from. Just as she built up the courage to say something Chat Noir moved closer in- his lips puckered. Agitated, Ladybug swiftly removed her hands from his grasp but that wasn't enough to deter Chat Noir away from the kiss. 

"Bugaboo, I really care for you" Cat Noir whispered as he closed in on Ladybug. 

"NO CHAT!" Ladybug snapped.

Things happened so fast. A sharp stinging pain shot through Ladybug's hand. She was dazed and couldn't feel it at first, but once she came to she held her hand against her chest- both in agony and in embarrassment. No longer was she standing upright against Chat Noir in a loving embrace; their chests pressed against each others with their lips no more that a centimetre apart. Chat Noir was huddled on the floor facing away from her; his hand clutching his cheek.

Ladybug knelt down and went to comfort Chat Noir, "Kitty... are you ok?" 

As Ladybug's fingertips made contact with his shoulder, Chat Noir spun around and fell to the floor as though his worst nightmare had manifested itself into a physical form and was coming to get him. With his hands placed on the tiles fixated to the roof supporting him his bright red cheek was visible. Tears filled his once luscious green eyes- now bloodshot and strained. It was obvious he was trying to keep them from pouring down his face. 

"Y-y-you slapped me!" Chat Noir barely managed to spurt out.

Unfortunately, this would change things permanently between Ladybug and Chat Noir. After what felt like an eternity (but must have been no more than a few minutes)  Chat Noir managed to pull himself off the ground. Ladybug offered a hand but her invitation was blatantly ignored. He was clearly shaken and had never expected Ladybug to go so far- especially after what happened during the battle with Hawkmoth. But all that was over now. Ladybug had made her point clear.   

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