Chapter 11- Doing it by the book

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DISCLAIMER- this story will have two endings. This is Ending 1. This ending will match up to the epilogue. Try reading both endings to see which you prefer.

Ladybug grappled through the warehouse while Chat Blanc followed pursuit. She slipped in-between the large wooden panels in an attempt to lose him. Her attempts were fruitless as Chat Blanc powered up his mega cataclysm. He instantly shot a single beam through several panels simultaneously, creating a path directly to Ladybug. 

"Chat Noir! I know you're still in there!" Ladybug pleaded.

"NO!" Chat Blanc growled "Chat Noir is no more... Just like his feelings for you!"

He fired his cataclizam at Ladybug which she narrowly avoided. She knew she had to place the miraculous on his finger first before destroying the akuma or risk losing Adrien forever. Unfortunately that was not going to be easy with his undesirable hate for her. With every fire of cataclysm Chat Blanc fired, the warehouse became more unstable. Beams from the warehouse's infrastructure began to tumble to the ground barely missing the pair.  Ladybug was clearly not getting though to Chat Noir due to the hatred manifesting within. But Marinette may be able to get though to Adrien. 

"Tikki, spots off." Marinette announced, aware Chat Blanc was charging up his fatal blow. 

As her identity was revealed, Chat Blanc sighed in relief. The girl he'd searched for for support was here in front of him- his last hope. She'd found him. He fired his blast to the right- shattering glass and splitting wooden frames. 

"Princess... you... found me!" Cat Blanc sniffed with tears barely clinging to the corner of his eyes. 

"It's me Adrien, I'm here for you," Marinette said softly. 

Chat Blanc appeared conflicted, as if his own body was fighting against him. Crumpling to the floor, he cried out in pain. Marrinette, Tikki, and Plagg ran to his side and began to cradle him. Whispers for help seeped out the crying Kitty's mouth. Icy tears sprinted down the cat's skin and fell onto Marinette's cotton clothes. Marinette held him tighter with each apology she made. Chat Blanc's right hand reached out for Marinette's face. Marinette put her hand out in response to accept his gesture. In one swift slip, the cat miraculous fell onto his finger where it belong. 

"YOU MINIPULATED ME!" Chat Blanc chanted. He leapt out of Marinette's grasp and threw her to the side as he felt she'd done with him.

Slightly bruised, but still determined, Marinette picked herself up on the floor and limped forward. Chat Blanc placed his right hand forward ready to fire, but Marinette soldiered on. There was no stopping her now. All fear had left the girl's mind, all that remained was a passion. Whether it was a passion of love of a passion of friendship she couldn't tell, but what she did know is she would never give-up on him. Hesitation and doubt beat away at Chat Blanc's mind, thus giving Marinette enough time to make her way back to him. From inside his body was tearing itself apart. After all the rejection and manipulation a part of him still couldn't bring himself to use his destructive power on the girl limping before him

"Adrien... I'm sorry Ladybug wasn't there for you, but I'm here now." she said as she placed her petite arms around his waste. 

Chat Blanc appeared to fade away, at least temporarily, as another tear trickled down his face. This one was warmer, not like those shed before. The compassion was genuine. Marinette reached up towards his lips, also slightly warmer than before, and planted a kiss. Chat Blanc held her tighter as he kissed her back. Although a different colour, the leather of Chat Blanc's suit felt the same as it did that night on the roof. She couldn't mess it up this time.

"Now!" Marinette interrupted 

Tikki and Plagg flashed past as they stole the bell around Chat Blanc's neck. Marinette moved towards Chat Blanc's ear and whispered "You'll be free soon my Prince" Meanwhile Tikki and Plagg threw the bell to the floor. Plagg used his cataclysm on the snowy white bell as it tumbled to the ground. Instantly after hitting the floor the bell burst into dust and the akuma was released. Marinette embraced Chat Blanc one final time by resting her head against his warming chest. She transformed back into Ladybug and de-evilised Chat Noir. Gradually, bright light began to form around the couple until they became completely engulfed... then nothing. 

Dazzed, and confused Marinette looked up at the masculine figure before her with her last ounce of breath as the building crumbled around her.  


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