Chapter 4- Connecting the dots

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"So you think Chat Noir and Ladybug had a fight and Chat Noir went to the Agrest household... why?" Alya asked more puzzled than ever. 

Marinette had been bingeing as many of Alya's ladyblog videos in an attempt to try and find any clues as to where Chat Noir may have gone after leaving. Something fishy was going on here and Marinette knew it was no coincidence both Chat Noir and Adrien were gone. One recurring theme in all the videos was the direction Chat Noir would leave. Could it be that Chat Noir found out that Ladybug liked Adrien Agrest!?! After everything that happened that night, was Chat Noir so hurt he went out of his was to go to the Agrest mansion to confront Adrien or even harm him? 

Marinette's heart was pounding (both because the love of  her life was possibly in danger and because her loyal superhero-partner was likely the one threatening him). Marinette knew what she had to do next. The only way to put her mind at ease was to go to the Agrest household and search for clues herself. 

"Sorry Alya I have to go," Marinette exclaimed franticly, "I'll call you later, thank you!" 

Puzzled, Alya stared at her phone unable to grasp what Marinette saw that made her so jumpy. 'Could Marinette be hiding something' Alya questioned herself. Grabbing the phone charm, she thread the string through the tiny slit in her phone case and tied the split ends of the string together securing the ladybug tightly where it belong.

Once she arrived home, Marinette  scrambled up the stairs to her room to be alone with her thoughts... (and her kwami who was the only being she could talk to about superheroes and miraculous but I digress). Tikki flew out Marinette's bag and snuggled up her trying to keep her calm before she did anything rash. 

"Marinette, you can't really think Chat Noir has gone after Adrien!?" 

"I don't know Tikki but I cant take any chances!" Marinette cried, "I need to check Adrien's house even if its just to clear my head."

Tikki was worried for the safety of Chat Noir and Adrien just as much as Marinette, however she knew something that Marinette didn't, something Marinette couldn't. However, if it would keep Marinette relaxed in the meantime, what harm could it do to support her.   

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