Chapter 10- Adrien's account

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"Palgg claws in" I mumbled under my breath. Plagg Immediately head over to the cupboard stacked with all different assortment of camembert- some older than others, some larger than others. But he stopped ant gazed back at me. We caught each other's eyes for a moment until I broke contact. Plagg turned around and went to comfort his miraculous holder. I fell backwards onto my bed- ignoring everything Plagg was saying. I knew he meant well m, but there was nothing he could say to distract me from the tournament I was feeling within. Furious,I removed the miraculous and threw it to the side. I needed time to think things over... alone.

The last akuma incident really put Ladybug and Chat Noir to the test. Ladybug thought she'd lost him, and the kiss she gave him... sure there had been cases where they kissed before like when they fought Dark Cupid or the time both of them forgot everything after Oblivio, but it was different this time. Ladybug was fearful of losing her Kitty, her companion. She made the decision to embrace him- possibly for the last time. That kiss was enough to get Chat Noir back on his feet. He flew ahead to finish what they started. 

Obviously, I... or ... Chat Noir was mistaken. Just as I thought we were hitting it off. Ladybug made her point clear. The aggression... and the slap. It broke my heart. In an instant, she went from comforting me while I was seemingly on my deathbed to physically abusing me. I left her embarrassed and hurt. I couldn't even bare to see Alya while I tried to return her charm. She approached me cautiously to try and comfort me but I had to go. Even though I was wearing the mask I felt embarrassed crying in front of her. I checked to see if I could get things off my mind at the bakery- Marinette's house. Chat Noir had been there a couple of times and he always left feeling better for it. Maybe it was because I was still Adrien Agrest behind the mask and Marinette was a great friend. When I got there though she wasn't in- my last hope. 

There was no use lying on the bed feeling down.  I had to go back to Marinette's. If there was anyone who could make me feel better it was my Princess. Even though she'd never know, it was great spending time with her as Chat Noir. She would often open up to him in ways she never would to Adrien. In fact I often opened up to her more as Chat Noir than I did as Adrien. I grabbed the miraculous and began to place it on my finger. As I began to say the words to transform, an akuma approached, My miraculous slipped off my finger and I couldn't see Plagg. I called out and screamed for help while the akuma infested itself within my newly formed bell around my neck. I could hear his whispers in my ears. His voice, his language, all a ploy to manipulate me. I resisted at first. I was strong enough to do that at least. But he kept pushing back. All around me there was nothing but white. A large sphere of power held me in the centre before finally...

It was too late.   

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