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New chapter hi :D
Please all stay safe and healthy! ♡

2 weeks.

Thats how long Yuzuki had been in this frog jungle with Tobirama. And thats what she called it because she couldn't remember its name. It wasn't getting any easier being there, especially with the rain storms.

Everynight she went to sleep with the cold dread that Madara would be in her nightmare again. That the thunder clapping was Madara striking the soul from her. That he was watching her through her own mind, haunting her dreams and waking thoughts.

She told Tobirama every time Madara would appear, and she refused to sleep some nights until Tobirama promised to stay with her until she drifted off.

She felt bad for keeping him up so late, but Tobirama told her that he didn't really mind. He was worried for her. Madara was plaguing her mind even so far away from them and not knowing where they were.

Right now it was night. And for a change, it was quiet. Only the distant chirping of crickets filled the air.

The warm flicker of candle light caressed Tobirama's cheeks. He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the scent of melting wax then exhaled it over the dancing flame.

He set the candle down gently on the short table in the corner of Yuzuki's tiny bedroom. She was finally asleep. He was glad.

Her neglected tangled hair matted against her arm and pillow that she had hugged close to her chest. Tobirama felt an urge to thread his fingers through it. It would probably only cause her pain. He clenched his fist, instead tearing his gaze away from the sleeping girl.

He couldn't risk disturbing her now that she'd finally found rest. Tobirama turned to leave the room, but a soft muttering made him hesitate. He stopped his movements.

"Mmmm...adara..." Yuzuki whined and tightened her grip on her pillow. "No...don't hurt...him." Tobirama crouched as he came closer, kneeling beside the sleep talking girl.

"Yuzuki it's okay," Tobirama whispered, his heart beating uncomfortably, his words breaking.

"Stop it "

"It's just a dream Yuzuki," Tobirama felt his shoulders drop in worry. He dreaded the thought of what Yuzuki was seeing inside her mind.

Without warning, her eyes opened, scaring the living daylights out of Tobirama. He yelped in his shock, retreating an inch. She didn't move as she stared into Tobirama's eyes. Her gaze unfocused, blurry.

"He's coming." She simply whispered.

Tobirama frowned, noticing the girl was not yet fully awake. Her body remained still in slumber, and it was merely seconds passing as her eyelids slowly began to shut.

She was asleep once again.

Tobirama let out a breath he had held in and rubbed his tired forehead.

"He has a death wish if he comes here," he muttered to himself, rising to his feet. His steps were soft as he tiptoed to the adjoining room.

"Sleep well," he then whispered taking one last peek, then collapsed onto his own bed which wasn't too far from Yuzuki's own. He crossed his legs as he sat up comfortably and sighed.

We can't hide here forever. He thought to himself. Madara wouldn't stop until he had found Yuzuki. Or killed them both.

With a anxious mind Tobirama reached across and picked up his dormant sword from beside his bed. He gazed across over to Yuzuki's shadowed form, heart fluttering.

Tobirama |  illusions 》Where stories live. Discover now