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"What are we going to do, Madara knows where I am," Yuzuki complained, head hung in her hands as she sat against Tobirama's bedroom wall.

"Like I said, we will have to talk to Hashirama." Tobirama frowned as he held his torn robe in front of him, there was a clean slice along the shoulder.

Yuzuki shook her head, then raised her gaze to Tobirama. She felt stressed, anxiety clawing at her throat mercilessly. Questions flooding her mind.

"Why didn't he just take me then?" She asked.

Tobirama sighed, dropping the robe to the floor and meeting her worried gaze. He slowly tread over to her, then crouched in front of her. He tried to keep Yuzuki calm as he spoke, gently holding her shoulders in his hands.

"I have many ideas as to why, and none of them are good," he explained. She tore her gaze to the ground, clenching her fists.

"I thought my jutsu was strong enough," she muttered. It had worked for years against other Uchiha, maybe Madara's eye prowess was unbelievably advanced by now? Tobirama fell onto his butt, leaning his arms on his knees.

"He is the strongest Uchiha for a reason," he commented, sighing.

Yuzuki frowned, her fingers meeting to twist together, sweating lightly.

"We can go to a place," Tobirama whispered, tearing his gaze away from her. He bit his lip, contemplating.

He would never look there.

"Where?" Yuzuki rushed forward, almost nose to nose as she fell in front of him. Tobirama froze barely noticeably, gaze taking in her nose and eyes.

Yuzuki herself hesitated realising what she'd done, slowly pulling back to that she sat on her knees awkwardly. Tobirama held in a chuckle, his lips forming a small smile. He was starting to enjoy how cute Yuzuki allowed herself to be sometimes. Not that he would admit it to anyone.

"It's an ancient mountain, I trained there long ago. I hardly believe Madara knows where it is," he simply answered, leaning back onto his hands, staring her down now.

She seemed to contemplate his words, a pout settled and eyes trained in front of her focused on nothing in particular.

"How safe is it? How hidden?" She interrogated.

Tobirama smiled properly, thinking about how Yuzuki will react when they arrive there.

"Trust me, unless he was a Senju he wouldn't even have a chance at knowing it exists."

Yuzuki chewed her lip between her teeth.

It would be better than staying in Konoha wouldn't it? Where Madara could easily find her.

"Ok," she whispered, meeting Tobirama's curious stare.

"We'll go?" He questioned, moving towards her.

"As soon as possible, yes," she answered nodding.

He got go his feet slowly, then reached out a hand for her to take.

"We'll leave straight away then." he replied, helping her up and then walking over to his desk where he picked up a scroll.

Tobirama |  illusions 》Where stories live. Discover now