UNO • 1

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Dilara's POV

It was a nice day out in Miami. I was just chilling in my living room, drinking my iced coffee while reading my favorite book.

My twin brother, Erick, was busy on a promo tour for his band's upcoming tour. He'll probably be back in an hour or so with his bandmates so I decided to finish my coffee and the chapter I was reading to start preparing something for the boys.

They lived across from my house in Miami, yes the boys live under the same roof which is why most of the time I'd either walk across to their place or the other way around.

I lived alone in this big house so most of the time they'd stay over or I would stay at theirs. Anyways, I decided to take some things out and cooked something for when they boys would get back.

I texted the boys in our groupchat telling them to come over to my place when they were done with the interviews and stuff.

Anyways, I don't think I quite introduced myself much. I'm Dilara Grace Colon, Erick's fraternal twin which is why we don't really look alike. I'm 19 years old and single as I love to be since my last relationship 2 years ago.

My last relationship was a disaster. It was toxic and abusive. Whenever he was pissed over other things he would let it out on me or just beat me up whenever he wants to. But he'd always apologise and say he loves me after a while, which I'd believe everytime.

When Erick found out what was happening in my relationship, he wasn't happy and helped me out of it. Since then the boys have been quite protective over me and I always feel safe around them.

Alright, back to reality. The oven made a ding, and I took the two batches of chicken pot pie I made out of the oven. As if on cue, there were knocks on my frontdoor and the boys calling my name.

I set the pies on the kitchen counter and went to the frontdoor while the boys kept on banging on the door. "Calmate, niños," I said after opening the door.

"Hola!" they all exclaimed at once.

Christopher, being him, immediately ran to the kitchen screaming, "THERE'S FOOD!"

"You know you didn't have to," Joel said while giving me a hug. "Well, I know you guys love food so why not" I said grinning at him.

I hugged the rest of the boys and locked the door. I walked into the kitchen seeing the boys already distributing the pie into plates. "Gracias, hermanita" Christopher smiled at me and gave me a side hug. I just smiled at them, and grabbed a seat next to Richard while getting myself a piece.


After everyone was done eating they all put their plates in the sink as Joel volunteered to help me with the dishes while the others ran to the living room.

Me and Joel started washing the dishes while having small talk. I always enjoyed his company, he's a sweet boy and very caring.

"So, bonita how was your day?" he asked me.

"Oh, the usual since I still have another week off till I get back to work. What about you?"

"Interviews, interviews, interviews," he huffed. I giggled at how he said it.

While we were chatting and drying our hands we heard screams in the living room.

"Give it back, Velez!"


"What is going on here?! Why is my living room a mess?" I questioned them.

"Well, Zabdiel here was smiling at his phone while texting someone, completely ignoring all of us so Chris grabbed his phone and this mess happened," Richard said while picking the pillows up and putting them back on the couch.

"Oh, so who was he texting?" Joel asked smirking.

"A girl," Christopher cooed, making the rest of the boys tease Zabdiel.

Zabdiel groaned and I chuckled. This is what I get being with a bunch of 5 year olds.

The boys helped me tidy up my living room and we decided to watch Netflix together. I went to grab some snacks for us to munch on while watching the movie while the boys were spread out in the living room.

When I came back there was no room left on the couch so I sat on the beanbags on the floor next to Joel. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I snuggled up into his chest and fell asleep halfway through the movie.

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